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Manage user feedback, publish changelog and roadmap

Customer Success

Upp.Vote is the easiest way to know what features your users want, backed with data. It is 10 times better than using spreadsheets, forms, emails or phone calls to gather and organize product feedback from real users.

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Upp.Vote is born from my frustration as an entrepreneur. I spent a large part of my career building features no one wanted. I’d sit alone for hours, imagining the next feature to build, thinking it was the ‘Steve Jobs’ way to build a great product. Boy, was I SO wrong! I’ve spent weeks, sometimes months, on features that got ZERO interest from users. It’s incredibly disappointing. After failing over and over, I started asking users what they wanted. That changed everything. People are more than happy to share their problems and feature ideas if you just ask. All you need is a way to manage that feedback, so you don’t waste months building unwanted features. Upp.Vote isn’t ground-breaking. It’s a simple, powerful tool for users to share feedback and feature requests, and for others to vote on them. With Upp.Vote, you can make data-driven decisions on what features to build next. We’re using Upp.Vote ourselves to decide what features to build next. We need your love! We’re offering a 55% lifetime discount on all plans for PH users. It’s the best way to support Upp.Vote. Features requested by our supporters will get higher priority in development. Thank you 🙏 for your interest in our software. My team and I are humbled by the support of the PH community.

Comment highlights

Congratulation Upp.Vote on the launch. Your product looks promising and I will definitely consider using it. Definitely going to be helpful. Good luck.

Congrats on the launch 🎉 A great tool to collect user feedback.. keep up the good work 💪🏽

Congratulation Upp.Vote on the launch. Your product looks promising and I will definitely consider using it. Definitely going to be helpful. Good luck.

I appreciate the simplicity of Upp.Vote's concept. Sometimes, the most effective solutions are the simplest ones. Congrats on the launch!

Congrats for the launch! Upvoted. From what it seems to me, it captures the concept of Product Hunt at a community level. The focus on absolute feedback is something I really like. We always try to use social platforms to validate products, often without, having people genuinely interested, or with real knowledge of what we're talking about. A well-segmented thing with a user-friendly web interface can make this product a game-changer. In a few hours, I'll be launching my platform too. I'm curious to know what you think about it, and if you're interested, I'd appreciate your support.

😏 Henry Ford once said, 'If I'd ask customers what they wanted, they would've told me a faster horse.' People don't know what they want until you show it to them

Easy to use, manageable & productive software(SAAS) for customer feedback, Also featuring CRM!!

The must-have for any PLG-focused company. Congratulations on the launch @thebigk

This is a good and necessary tool. But it often happens that the feature implemented in response to user requests is not used by anyone in practice. People don't always know what they want.

congratulations on launching, thebigk. gathering user feedback efficiently is critical, and it sounds like you've created a valuable tool. how does prioritize which user-requested features to develop first, especially when there are conflicting data points?

Upp.Vote is a game-changer for product development! TheBigK has crafted a simple yet powerful tool that bridges the gap between user feedback and feature implementation. By moving away from guesswork to data-driven decision-making, Upp.Vote ensures that every feature developed is exactly what users want. The lifetime discount for PH users is a great incentive, too. This tool is essential for anyone looking to enhance their product with real user insights. Highly recommended!

Looks great and I can’t agree more that building features in isolation (without user feedback) is an appealing but fruitless way of building a product.

Hey, Upp.Vote has the potential to revolutionize the way product teams gather and prioritize user feedback. It's refreshing to see you turn frustration into a solution that can benefit the entire product development community. Thank you for sharing your story and your product with us. Keep up the great work, and never stop listening to your users!

Your product is genuinely impressive, team! The concept is quite intriguing. I'm curious, what exciting updates or features can we expect in the next phase of development? Keep up the great work!