Product upvotes vs the next 3

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Product comments vs the next 3

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Product upvote speed vs the next 3

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Product upvotes and comments

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Product vs the next 3



Manage user feedback, publish changelog and roadmap

Upp.Vote is the easiest way to know what features your users want, backed with data. It is 10 times better than using spreadsheets, forms, emails or phone calls to gather and organize product feedback from real users.

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Upp.Vote is born from my frustration as an entrepreneur. I spent a large part of my career building features no one wanted. I’d sit alone for hours, imagining the next feature to build, thinking it was the ‘Steve Jobs’ way to build a great product. Boy, was I SO wrong! I’ve spent weeks, sometimes months, on features that got ZERO interest from users. It’s incredibly disappointing. After failing over and over, I started asking users what they wanted. That changed everything. People are more than happy to share their problems and feature ideas if you just ask. All you need is a way to manage that feedback, so you don’t waste months building unwanted features. Upp.Vote isn’t ground-breaking. It’s a simple, powerful tool for users to share feedback and feature requests, and for others to vote on them. With Upp.Vote, you can make data-driven decisions on what features to build next. We’re using Upp.Vote ourselves to decide what features to build next. We need your love! We’re offering a 55% lifetime discount on all plans for PH users. It’s the best way to support Upp.Vote. Features requested by our supporters will get higher priority in development. Thank you 🙏 for your interest in our software. My team and I are humbled by the support of the PH community.