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Collaborative AI repository for SQL users

Chrome Extensions
Developer Tools
Data & Analytics

Sherloq is the one place for all your ad-hoc SQL queries. Using the AI SQL repo plug-in, you can collaboratively manage, save, and share your SQL code, without leaving your IDE. Stop the “where the f*ck did I put that SQL” moments and focus on data analysis.

Top comment

Hi All 👋 We’re super excited to share SHERLOQ with the amazing Product Hunt community! 🚀 "Sure, I know exactly where that query is. I'll send it to you straight away." *Said no one, never.* Sherloq is all about helping SQL users focus on what really matters - analyzing data and creating insights. Here’s what doesn’t matter, but for years we’ve been spending too much time on: - Trying to remember when was the last time I ran a SQL on some ‘users_v2_old’ legacy table, and who might know where I put it - Asking the company-wide ‘data-champs’ Slack channel if someone can send me the most updated CASE WHEN condition we talked about in last week’s guild meeting. - Going over 252 queries in my team’s ‘All Queries’ Docs file with cmd+f: ‘prospect_id’. A few dozens of ping-pongs on Slack and 4 cups of coffee later, you give up and write something you sort of remember doing. And the result? Getting inconsistent SQL, and inconsistent data. As we ourselves were (and are still) heavy SQL users, we were looking to create a solution that gives us just the right amount of order we need. Something that’s actually built for this type of code. That means that it’s organized and managed, but not too stiff. It’s sits on top of our IDE, but doesn’t actually require any integration or access to the data. It’s collaborative, but also has a place for our own personal work. It can be used by people that love data and understand it, and by those that don’t. So we built Sherloq, a collaborative SQL repo where you can: 🗂️ Manage your team’s ad-hoc queries in team / project folders 📕 Create versions of your SQL ⌨️ Use keyboard shortcuts for SQL snippets 🕗 Automatically save your SQL history across the entire team 🔍 AI search for SQL To get started, we're offering a special 30-day free trial and an additional 20% discount for the first 3 months specifically for this product launch. We also have a startup plan for those of you in companies with less than 100 employees / raised less than $5M. Simply schedule a 15-min onboarding call using the link below, or sign up through our platform. Thank you so much! Please share your feedback, questions, and comments! Our team will be available and is looking forward to hearing from you.

Comment highlights

Keyboard shortcuts for SQL snippets sound handy! Are these customizable, and can users create their own shortcuts for commonly used queries?

Hi there! 👋 Congratulations on the Product Hunt launch of SHERLOQ! 🚀 Your tool sounds like a game-changer for SQL users, making it so much easier to manage and collaborate on queries. The features like versioning, keyboard shortcuts, and AI search are super impressive. Looking forward to seeing SHERLOQ transform how we work with SQL. Keep up the great work, and best of luck!

Congrats on the successful launch! Sherloq has made SQL work a breeze! No more sifting through Slack or endless docs—now it's all organized in project folders with easy version control. The AI search finds what I need fast, and it's perfect for both seasoned SQL users and newcomers. It's seriously changed how we handle data!

Fantastic launch, Sherloq team! 🌟 Having tried several similar tools, I must say that Sherloq stands out because of its AI SQL repo plug-in. The way it allows you to collaboratively manage, save, and share your SQL code without leaving your IDE is a game-changer. Compared to other SQL management tools, I find Sherloq to be more seamless and user-friendly, significantly reducing the frustration of searching for misplaced SQL queries. One thing that other tools do well is providing detailed version control and change tracking. Integrating something similar in Sherloq could potentially enhance the user experience even further. Best of luck, and I’m looking forward to seeing more from you! 💪

Hi Nadav! Sherloq sounds like a game-changer for SQL users. Love the focus on collaboration and organization. How easy is it to integrate Sherloq into an existing workflow?

Super interesting tool, sounds like something we could use. I’ll take a look at it in the upcoming days. Congrats on launching!

Honestly can’t tell you how many times SQL inconsistency has frustrated me. This is a winner!

Incredible platform. It solves a core issue that every enterprise and data team faces. The data world has long been awaiting a system record of this kind. Fantastic work!

I recently saw a cool movie about data science. Can’t wait to find its SQL with SHERLOQ 🥳

What I love about this product is, it solves a real problem, and it's a problem you have internally. That's a classic way to finding some PMF! I also like how you have NLP2SQL on the roadmap, but you chose to simply solve the low hanging fruit problems of storing and searching SQL first with AI. Congrats @nadav_gutman2 and team!

It's great to see the effort put in here. I wish you nothing but success. We're launching something in the AI SQL space too and its great to see others focusing on this problem.

I like the approach to a well known issue! Looking forward to testing it myself Congrats on the launch

I love that Sherloq caters to both team and personal workspaces. Can you elaborate on how users can switch between these modes and how their work is kept separate but accessible? Great launch!

Love it. As someone who runs SQL queries on my day-to-day, this is a game changer.