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SaaSy Trends

Discover the fastest growing SaaS companies and products

Growth Hacking

A comprehensive database of trending SaaS products. We monitor 20,000+ SaaS businesses (and growing +), and rank them based on the growth rate of their brand search volume.

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Hi everyone 👋 I'm Dale, founder of SaaSy Trends, a product that I built to solve my own problems and now want to share with the Product Hunt community. If you have any feedback or questions about how it works, just drop a comment here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💢 The Problem I can't count the number of times I've wanted to find SaaS businesses that are thriving and expected to grow into the future. This is usually for: 🎯 Business idea generation/validation 🎯 Finding similar businesses to see how they approach marketing 🎯 Finding small businesses to acquire or invest in Up until this point, I've had to resort to looking around on review sites like G2. But those are not designed for the research I was trying to do - and - just because a company has a few dozen reviews, doesn't indicate that they are thriving or not. 🏁 The Solution SaaSy Trends is built around one observation - When a company is growing, brand searches for that company almost always increases alongside it (i.e. As more people use Product Hunt, Google searches for "Product Hunt" goes up as well). So I started to extract and ingest the website/name of every SaaS that I could find, then identify the best brand search for each, and put it all together in an easy to browse dashboard of company trends - SaaSy Trends. 🤷 Feedback/Questions I'll be popping in throughout the day, so if you have any questions or feedback, I'm happy to try and answer.

Comment highlights

This is a good Platform Dale! I would say you should collaborate with other startup media platforms like Yourstory or Startuptalky to bring more eyeballs here. Also, honestly, I think subscription is quite too much for now as, while your primary target is investors, they are less likely to buy it on the site. Maybe, you can try some credit based where, if someone submits a new startup's information, you give them free credits. This will help you to list more startups non the site. But great concept! Keep it up💪

The focus on creating future-proofed workplaces is impressive. I am really impressed by your launch!

The range of resources like blogs and meeting is a great addition. How often do you update these resources.

Excited to see this product in action. The visitor management feature caught my eye.

The idea of using AI to streamline processes is brilliant. How secure is the data managed through your platform?

Great work on the launch! The comprehensive solutions you offer are interesting. Here,s a question do you have Any plans to expand into other industries in the durure?

This product seems like a fantastic tool for workplace management. How user-friendly is the interface for someone with limited tech experience?

Congrats on the launch! This is a very interesting product because it can help developers make more useful products that people also want more. Upvoted!

Well done on launching today! The collaboration with local experts and tech partners sounds promising. Looking forward to seeing how this impacts the industry.

Impressive solution! It's all need .I love how your product enhances workplace experience.

As someone learning about marketing and business validation, how would a monthly subscription to SaaSy Trends help me vs. doing some one-off researching? Curious what customer base you're targeting and why they'd continue to pay over time. 🙂 Congrats on the launch from a fellow maker! I see you don't do much on socials, but I'd love to stay in touch and watch each other grow. 🚀

Congratulations on the launch! The idea of optimizing space and asset management is fantastic.

I found the user interface very intuitive. It’s easy to navigate and find the information I need

I love the inclusion of various industries and categories. It’s helpful for exploring different sectors and finding new opportunities.

I appreciate the clear and concise presentation of data. It makes it easy to quickly understand each company’s performance.

I found the platform’s emphasis on business idea generation and validation very useful. It’s great for entrepreneurs looking for inspiration.

I love the focus on small businesses. It’s a valuable resource for finding potential acquisition or investment opportunities.