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SaaSy Trends

Discover the fastest growing SaaS companies and products

A comprehensive database of trending SaaS products. We monitor 20,000+ SaaS businesses (and growing +), and rank them based on the growth rate of their brand search volume.

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Hi everyone 👋 I'm Dale, founder of SaaSy Trends, a product that I built to solve my own problems and now want to share with the Product Hunt community. If you have any feedback or questions about how it works, just drop a comment here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💢 The Problem I can't count the number of times I've wanted to find SaaS businesses that are thriving and expected to grow into the future. This is usually for: 🎯 Business idea generation/validation 🎯 Finding similar businesses to see how they approach marketing 🎯 Finding small businesses to acquire or invest in Up until this point, I've had to resort to looking around on review sites like G2. But those are not designed for the research I was trying to do - and - just because a company has a few dozen reviews, doesn't indicate that they are thriving or not. 🏁 The Solution SaaSy Trends is built around one observation - When a company is growing, brand searches for that company almost always increases alongside it (i.e. As more people use Product Hunt, Google searches for "Product Hunt" goes up as well). So I started to extract and ingest the website/name of every SaaS that I could find, then identify the best brand search for each, and put it all together in an easy to browse dashboard of company trends - SaaSy Trends. 🤷 Feedback/Questions I'll be popping in throughout the day, so if you have any questions or feedback, I'm happy to try and answer.