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Learn user onboarding from the best SaaS products

User Experience
Growth Hacking
Growth Hacks
UX Design

Increase activation with 100+ identified CRO tactics, review your strategy against 15+ best practices, and compare the best user onboarding software!

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Hey guys! 👋 Ever tried setting up an onboarding process for a SaaS product? It's not just a few screens after sign-up; there's a whole lot more to it! Last year, I reviewed user onboarding experiences from 220+ top SaaS products. And the result? A collection of 100+ ideas and tactics that you can use in your own product. All backed up with numerous examples. In Onboarding.Study, you'll find loads of inspiration and thorough analysis, all sorted into categories like: - signup pages, - signup flows, - welcome messages, - in-app landing pages, - product tours, - checklists, - feature setup pages, and - resource centers. I also took a deep dive into the most popular user onboarding software out there. The result of the comparison will surprise you. I haven't shared the project widely yet, but after some good feedback, I don't see any reason to keep it to myself. So I'm happy to share my learnings today! A heads-up: - I'm more of a growth marketer than a UX guy, so my take is from a CRO perspective. - The research is from early last year, so a few examples might be a bit dated. But, most of these ideas are pretty timeless. Can't wait to hear what you think!

Comment highlights

Just started looking through it. Seems like a very relevant and useful source on the subject. Thanks for sharing it for free!

it's impressive how you've distilled it into actionable strategies for improving user onboarding. congrats on the launch!

Hey mate! Onboarding users and convert them into paying customers is the key in the acquisition funnel. Glad to see you helping on that. Congrats

This is a great collection - I was literally looking for something like this. Appreciate you for dropping it.

Wow congrats on the launch, @andrzej_pacholik 🚀 great job, it's super valuable for Milestone too – as we're building a new gen platform for user onboarding and engagement full of gamification and interactive experiences. Would be happy to be featured in Onboarding.Study – let me know what you think :)

Congratulations on the launch of Onboarding.Study! Onboarding can make or break user experience, and your study is a goldmine of ideas. I'm excited to dive into this and implement the detailed onboarding process as soon as possible.

Congratulations on the launch of Onboarding.Study! @andrzej_pacholik This sounds like an invaluable resource for SaaS products looking to enhance user onboarding.

I also felt confused about what I was supposed to do with your app. I can tell a lot of thought went in here but also felt the CTA was unclear with "Automate User Research." Where are the "meat and potatoes" of your creation here? The site navigation also seemed like it didn't quite fit in. All the same I did find some great content on your site and hope you have a great launch today.