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Calendar meets wearables to boost your productivity

Health & Fitness

Lifestack is a mobile calendar app that helps you schedule your day to boost productivity, using health data from wearable data and smartphones. Schedule your tasks and activities by balancing your energy to optimize productivity without burnout.

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Hi, Product Hunt 👋 I'm Nao, cofounder and CEO of Lifestack! 🚀 Today, we’re launching Lifestack - the only calendar app with your energy in mind! Lifestack uses health data from your wearables and smartphones to help you schedule around your most productive times 📆 Our biggest conviction is that we believe health and productivity go hand in hand. While it’s ideal to aim for 8 hours of sleep, 2 hours of exercise, and 30 minutes of meditation, this advice is not feasible nor sustainable for busy individuals. On the flip side, chasing the most productivity without regards for our health can have adverse effects — resulting in burnout and ultimately reducing productivity. Everything is a balance! ⚖️ So far 300+ users participated in our closed beta in the past couple of months, and today, we're finally opening it up to EVERYONE! 🔥 How Lifestack works: - Connect your health data from wearables and calendar to our app - Understand your energy levels (currently with sleep-based circadian rhythm) - Import tasks from your to-do lists to schedule them directly on calendar - Optimize your day based on your energy — finish heavy tasks when most energetic, small tasks when least energetic; rejuvenate by scheduling energy boosting activities 📱We are available both on the App Store and Play Store! We also have Chrome extension for those of you who prefer web browser calendars! 🧭 What's coming up next: - Web app version - Advanced biometrics (stress, HRV, glucose) - Todo integrations (currently supports Trello; adding Todoist and TickTick soon) - AI Scheduling If you've read this far, I assume you're really interested in us 😏 Please follow my account on Twitter / LinkedIn, and spread the word about Lifestack! Twitter: LinkedIn: Thank you! Nao

Comment highlights

This product has an innovative idea, I believe it will help people with enhanced productivity and energy. However when I tried to connect my apple watch, it asked for access to Sleep and Heart rate data, does it mean it does not analyze workout data I think would be crucial for determining energy level.

Congrats on the launch of Lifestack, Nao! The concept of scheduling around our energy levels is fantastic and much needed. It’s great to see a calendar app that truly integrates health and productivity. Excited to try it out and optimize my day based on my energy. Well done to the team! 👏

Congratulations on your launch! I love the concept—such a unique approach to integrating health data with daily productivity levels!

Hey there ProductHunters 👋, As a Co-founder of an AI startup and someone who knows a thing or two about juggling a multitude of tasks, I've got to say, I am loving the concept of Lifestack! The blend of health data and scheduling is such a refreshing take in the world of productivity tools. We've all had those days where we've planned to conquer the world but our bodies had other plans, right? 😅 So, what better way to optimize our workflows than to let our own physiological data steer the wheel. The proactive approach towards avoiding burnout is super appreciated in this fast-paced startup life. Proceedings of the "I can sleep when I'm dead" society are officially adjourned, folks! Can't wait to see how it evolves! Keep it up, guys! 👏👏

Congratulations on the launch, through the energy optimization schedule, it's so much fun, I have a professional and caring assistant, looking forward to the web version

Using Lifestack from the beta - very promising! Excellent circadian rhythm detection! Everyone definitely must try it!

I appreciate the attention to detail in this product. It’s clear a lot of effort went into making it both functional and user-friendly.

Congratulations @nao_yukawa on the launch of Lifestack! It's truly exciting to see a calendar app that prioritizes both productivity and health. Best of luck with this launch.

More power to Nao, I’ve logged in but yet to use it would definitely give a try! - erevald s5 n&w

It's an exciting and intriguing concept! Keep up the good work, please! As someone who struggles with sleep and daily productivity management, I am so excited to see how far this concept can go.

Congratulations on your launch! Try CheckDEP by to check the vulnerabilities of your web app. I believe that collecting personal data should never be compromised. I wish you success in your endeavor.

@_pikachur Congratulations on the launch of your innovative product! It’s always inspiring to see fresh ideas come to life, especially when they have the potential to make a significant impact. Your dedication and hard work in bringing this product to market are commendable. Wishing you all the success as you embark on this exciting journey! 🚀

Congrats Nao! Awesome looking product, and a lot to be excited with. I love how you are connecting energy with the calendar. This is a very interesting idea, and i love how you are executing it, good luck!

This is clever. I'm curious if people will follow Lifestack's guidance. Some people know what they need to do (e.g. go to bed earlier) but lack the self-control.