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Turn your speech into well-written text

Artificial Intelligence

Mobile app that turns your speech into well-written text. Perfect for quick and effortless writing of messages, notes, social media posts, and much more. Not just another AI tool, but app co-created with linguists to genuinely simplify your life.

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Hello! 🚀 Today is a special day for me because I am launching something of my own for the first time. With the team, of course! Let me introduce Letterly – a mobile app that I believe can simplify the lives of those who write messages, notes, posts, or anything else. 🗣 You just record your voice, and like magic, it transforms into well-written and ready-to-use text. ❤️ We're putting our hearts into making writing quick and easy: - Creating a native mobile app with tested UX - Refining text quality to preserve your unique style and vocabulary - Introducing on-the-go features, as a widget or screen-off recording 🤗 I hope you'll enjoy it! Give it a try, download it, and share ANY thoughts and questions with us. (This text, by the way, was written with the help of Letterly)

Comment highlights

Letterly is so good for translating. Love that you have multilingual options! Congratulations Congrats ILFAT and the team on the launch!

Writing articles is a breeze with Letterly. It helps me structure my ideas effectively. Thank you and good luck with app!

A super handy app to have, especially if you need to push the stroller with one hand, but need to get things done 😍 Congratulations!

What are the limitations in the free version? It looks cool, but I'd like to use it for free

Hey, I love the app! It's like having a personal scribe in my pocket. Good luck you guys!

It's the tool I've been searching in the last two years, to take notes on the go, while I am on commuting travels: new ideas, keywords to track for a certain customer that comes into my mind, ideas for strategic actions to take. It's not cheap (79$/year), but if it does what it promises, it could be a game changer for our activity. I am now on trial, but I think I will take it for one year and then decide during the whole period if it's like it seems to be. The Rewriting process seems flawless and efficient.

Great app! I tested it and it got almost everything right, even when I mumbled a bit. I especially like the rephrasing options and how fast they work. I'll definitely use the app for journaling from now on, I'm curious to see how good it works with a coffee machine or other loud noises in the background. Congrats on your launch and thank you for this app! ✨