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Clone favourite websites to your prefer page builders

Website Builder
Web Design

ClonewebX lets you clone and customize websites or transfer elements between page builders. Copy and save parts of a site, then adjust the UI and UX.

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This tool helps you clone the interface of the nice sites you found somewhere. This is Henry from Softlite. We are the creators of ClonewebX. What does ClonewebX do? ClonewebX scans the interface of a sample page and recreates a similar one in target page builders for further customization. Available integrated builders: Elementor, Webflow, Bricks, Breakdance, and one upcoming builder. When and where to use ClonewebX? We suggest you use ClonewebX for: - Creating staging environments that mirror live sites, allowing for safe testing of new features and updates - Replicating nice sites for further practice - Migrating sites from one platform to another. For example, migrating a site from Elementor to Bricks. Why did we choose this time to launch ClonewebX? Because of our upcoming builder integration: Gutenberg. With Gutenberg integration coming on 17th August, we consider this the perfect time to launch ClonewebX on Product Hunt. We can’t wait to hear what you think. We love your feedback. Thank you for checking it out, Henry

Comment highlights

I just remembered that a lot of times we just love the ui on some another site and think maybe we can have this on our app. See the direct usecase. This is brilliant. Would love to see how it connects with other web builders like framer, my personal choice to build marketing sites. Great work team. All the best!

Found the tool through an ad, it's an interesting concept but looks like it mostly encourages copy-paste creativity, not sure how it's gonna evolve with all page builders out there, any plans for more unique features that promote original designs?

Henry, this new tool is awesome for anyone looking to practice or migrate sites, having used Softlite's previous tools I can say you really nailed this one, just wondering how it handles really complex designs, looking forward to seeing the Gutenberg integration, keep up the great work man.

Hey Henry this new tool sounds kinda interesting but doesn’t it just encourage people to rip off other’s hard work instead of coming up with their own designs seems like it might get misused and lead to a bunch of sites that look the same are you planning on adding any features that help ensure originality in the designs or maybe some kind of collaboration tools it’s a neat idea but I'm curious how you'll handle those challenges

Hey Henry, interesting idea but isn't cloning sites kind of against originality, what about the potential legal issues with copying someone's web design, also have you thought about making it work with custom-built platforms, that would be a game-changer, anyway curious to see how this pans out 🤔

Hey Henry, look I think the idea is solid but aren't you worried about the ethical side of cloning websites, especially with design copyrights and all, I mean, easy migration and testing are fantastic but it sounds like it might open a can of worms for people who just want shortcuts, keen to see how folks react to this 🧐

Henry thanks for introducing this, but what's really new here? There are already tools that copy and paste site elements, also how about adding more advanced customization options, maybe something that makes changes in real-time instead of just copying existing elements, curious about your thoughts on this especially for complex sites integration?

Henry, while the tool promises convenience, it raises a red flag on creativity, copying and cloning may lead to a lack of originality, hope you have plans to address potential misuse, waiting to see how it'll actually help the web dev community, best of luck

Henry, while your tool seems promising, why focus on cloning instead of encouraging unique designs, using it mainly for practice could lead to a lot of repetitive sites, maybe add features that promote originality too, just my two cents

Congratulations it's great to hear about the builder integration. Will give it a shot soon

Found this tool by chance thru an ad, it's kinda interesting but feels like a cheap ripoff of something like HTTrack or SiteSucker, these do similar stuff but have been around longer, curious about the integration with Gutenberg but seems like a gimmick, anyone else tried it?

I gotta say, I’m really not sure about this, it just feels like cloning others' work rather than creating original stuff, don't you think it's kinda ethically iffy Lets see how it plays out 🤔

So, you’re basically taking what Glassmorphism and Copycat are doing, right? I wonder how this will tackle the issue of originality, and what about the compatibility with less popular builders?

Looks like Henry has created something really useful here, a tool that copies website interfaces and allows for customization, honestly it sounds like a game-changer for anyone looking to test new features or migrate site platforms easily, We use Elementor a lot, so looking forward to trying this out with the upcoming Gutenberg integration on 17th August.

Sure, I've seen other tools do similar stuff like Scrapeware and Sitecopy, but I guess the unique part here is using integrated builders, question is why launch now right before Gutenberg integration does it mean the tool's not fully ready yet also isn't there a risk with cloning that you'll just get a bunch of cookie-cutter sites lacking originality, honestly it feels like reinventing the wheel but let's see how it develops 🤔

Found this tool looking around Product Hunt, kinda skeptical about cloning websites, feels like a shortcut and can discourage originality, still could be useful for migrations if it works as advertised

@henry_softlite hey Henry, ClonewebX sounds like just the thing I need. Quick question though--does it require advanced knowledge of the integrated builders? I'm familiar with Webflow, but not so much with the others. Thanks!

Henry, great initiative, but you guys should probably address the potential copyright issues with cloning website interfaces, this might land users in some trouble, plus integrating with more builders could make it more versatile, anyway, good luck, hope it gains traction.