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Clone favourite websites to your prefer page builders

ClonewebX lets you clone and customize websites or transfer elements between page builders. Copy and save parts of a site, then adjust the UI and UX.

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This tool helps you clone the interface of the nice sites you found somewhere. This is Henry from Softlite. We are the creators of ClonewebX. What does ClonewebX do? ClonewebX scans the interface of a sample page and recreates a similar one in target page builders for further customization. Available integrated builders: Elementor, Webflow, Bricks, Breakdance, and one upcoming builder. When and where to use ClonewebX? We suggest you use ClonewebX for: - Creating staging environments that mirror live sites, allowing for safe testing of new features and updates - Replicating nice sites for further practice - Migrating sites from one platform to another. For example, migrating a site from Elementor to Bricks. Why did we choose this time to launch ClonewebX? Because of our upcoming builder integration: Gutenberg. With Gutenberg integration coming on 17th August, we consider this the perfect time to launch ClonewebX on Product Hunt. We can’t wait to hear what you think. We love your feedback. Thank you for checking it out, Henry