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Portfolio & social platform for artists, by artists

Social Media

Cara is a social media and portfolio platform for artists. With the widespread use of generative AI, we decided to build a place that filters out generative AI images so that people who want to find authentic creatives and artwork can do so easily.

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First found out about the rapid growth of the Cara app from a Wired article about the Jingna Zhang an Artist and Founder of the app. Below are some quotes from the article that detail the reason Zhang created the app and the rapid growth it has experienced so far Kate Knibbs a senior writer at WIRED writes: "Artists are fleeing Meta’s platforms over fears their work will be used to train AI. Photographer Jingna Zhang’s Cara promises protection, but the influx of new users is taxing her niche portfolio app." "Launched in early 2023, Cara had just a few thousand users for the first year of its life; last week, it jumped from having around 40,000 accounts to 650,000, and is now closing in on a million users."

Comment highlights

Congratz on such an amazing entry into the industry, i can only look in awe of probably never building something with so many users! 🤩 Watch out for the vercel bill following a ProductHunt launch also 🙈🔥

Wow, Cara sounds like a dream for artists wanting to showcase their real work! Filtering out AI-generated content is a fantastic idea to keep the platform authentic. But I'm wondering, how do you ensure that the filtering mechanism stays up-to-date with rapidly evolving AI technologies and doesn't accidentally filter out genuine human art that might use some digital tools? That sounds like a tough balance to maintain! 🎨✨

Just stumbled upon Cara through a Wired article and I'm blown away by its rapid growth! It's amazing to see artists taking back control of their work and finding a safe haven in this app!

I've seen a lot of people use your app recently, definitely need to visit it for myself

This is such a great and mush needed tool to differentiate between real and AI generated art. Although I still believe AI art is not at a level at the moment that we can't differentiate that from real art. But yeah it is still relevant. Congratulations on your launch.

I absolutely love the concept of a portfolio and social platform specifically for artists, created by artists themselves. It's evident that this startup is focused on providing a dedicated space for artists to showcase their work, connect with like-minded individuals, and potentially collaborate on projects. The idea of having a platform tailored to the needs of artists highlights a deep understanding of the creative community's requirements. The implementation of such a platform has the potential to significantly impact the way artists share their work, network, and gain exposure. I believe this startup has a strong foundation and the potential to become a hub for artistic collaboration and innovation.

Cara is a fantastic platform! Love the focus on authentic art. Keep up the great work!

Wow, congrats on the huge user growth for Cara! It's fantastic to see a platform that genuinely supports and protects artists. Can't wait to explore the authentic artwork on Cara. Keep up the great work!

Very great idea in this AI era! 💯 I'll give the product a try shortly. Congratulations on the launch @frankramos 🚀

love this initiative and the focus on artists! Congratulations on your launch! @frankramos

Been seeing more and more artists posting about their new Cara portfolio on Instagram (btw, we're launching an instagram marketing automation tool soon, check it out). I'm really happy to see a product betting on the anti-gen AI sentiment. I think there's at least as much value to get from guaranteeing that AI was not used to create something than from AI itself. Great launch guys!

congratulations on rapid growth of Cara! It shows there's a real demand for platforms that prioritize artists' rights and privacy.