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Validate My SaaS

Validate before you build, not after you ship

VMS gathers real data from the internet and shows you, based on your idea, what others are doing, how is it going for them, their stats, prices and features. The Report gives you a quick view of your niche and how your idea could perform if well executed.

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Hello Product Hunters 🤘 I've been working on ValidateMySaas for more than 6 months now, and I'm excited to finally share it with you! 1️⃣ What is This and who is it for If you have a startup idea you're serious about, one of the first things you should do is understand the competitive landscape you're hoping to journey into. Validate My Saas makes that easy by finding products that are similar to your ideas, and shows you which ones are succeeding, and which... aren't. 2️⃣ Why I Built This: I've had products fail before because I didn't put in the necessary research, and understand what would help my product stand out in the market. I've also felt the internal resistance to doing that research, because what if it kills my precious idea? And so I built a tool that makes that process super easy! 3️⃣ Let's Connect I've been actively building in public and sharing my journey, everything I've been learning along the way. Even if ValidateMySaas isn't right for you right now, I hope you'll connect and we can help each other grow and build more epic products 😄.