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Using AI to make opportunities more accessible

Introducing Uppply: Your personalized job search engine powered by cutting-edge LLM technology. Discover, track, and apply for thousands of active global job opportunities effortlessly. Join the future of job hunting today!

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🚀 Hey ProductHunters! 🚀 Excited to introduce my latest project: Uppply! It's a candidate-first platform powered by LLMs, designed to tackle real-world job search challenges head-on. In our new release, we're putting the spotlight on accessibility in job hunting. Stay tuned for updates and enhancements! If you appreciate what Uppply is all about, I'd be immensely grateful for your support. Upvotes, reviews, and tips would mean a lot to me as a solo-maker. Your feedback on ProductHunt is invaluable! Thank you for joining me on this journey! 🙌