Reduce anxiety through just 5 minutes a day of guided journaling. Reset uses AI to help you regularly re-evaluate anxious thoughts using evidence-based CBT techniques, so you can keep a balanced perspective.
Problem: It's hard to remain mindful and objective when it comes to our anxious thoughts. We forget that our thoughts are not always true, and believing them often causes unnecessary stress.
Solution: Reset gets you to form a habit around identifying and challenging anxious thoughts. Vent what's on your mind and AI will evaluate your thoughts objectively using proven CBT techniques, to help you maintain a more balanced perspective.
In addition to guided journaling, Reset allows you to:
(1) Track and see trends in your anxiety levels,
(2) Get insights into the recurring triggers and themes in your anxiety,
(3) Receive personalised notifications to keep you mindful of toxic thought patterns.
I built Reset inspired by the journaling practice that helped me recover from severe anxiety. I hope you find value in it!