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Find a time and place to meet. Calendly meets Google Maps.

Unlike other scheduling tools, Meetify helps you coordinate both the time and place, whether you are meeting at a coffee shop, a restaurant, or virtually if needed. It’s simple, personal, and flexible, built for real-world meetings.

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Hey, everyone! 👋 I’m Dan, co-founder of Meetify.

And I hate virtual meetings!

I know Zoom calls are a part of modern work, but they can’t compare to the genuine connection you get from sharing some coffee or grabbing lunch with someone.

We built Meetify to make scheduling real-world meetings easy. It’s kind of like Calendly and Google Maps had a baby.

Meetify helps you find the perfect place to meet and then lets you offer the other person both location and time options to pick from. It’s flexible enough for real life, letting people suggest alternatives or adjust if they’re running late. And yes, it handles virtual too when you need it.

Before this, I created SignUpGenius and was the CEO/CTO for over a decade, so I'm passionate about solving scheduling headaches.

Give it a try and invite a friend to coffee ☕. I’d love to hear what you think!