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Lookie AI

A faster way to absorb knowledge from YouTube

Lookie is designed for consuming knowledge on YouTube, where it often takes too much time and it's difficult to organize key information. With just a simple share, the process becomes 100x smarter and faster, turning YouTube into a personal knowledge hub.

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👋🏻 Hi Product Hunt community! I'm Steven, the founder of Lookie AI. Lookie is a productivity tool that turns YouTube into your personal knowledge bank! Like many of you, I often turn to YouTube for everything—whether it's travel tips, finding great places to eat, or learning something new for work. But I feel two major pain points during this process: 👉 Pain point 1: It takes a lot of time to gather useful knowledge from videos. 👉 Pain point 2: I always had to open a separate notes app to store and manage the information. Enter Lookie, by sharing the video with Lookie in a single click, you get: 📝 Preview & Summary within Youtube: Lookie generates a summary and preview for the long videos you want to consume, so you don’t have spend hours consuming content. Quickly grasp the key information from the video, cutting out the clutter. ⚡Save information with Highlights: Using the highlights in Lookie, you can save the important information from the video in a structured way, making sure you are always a click away from the information you absorbed. 🤖 AI Chat bot for the video: Long videos often leave you with some questions, and Lookie’s AI chat bot for the video would be there for the rescue. Once you’ve shared the video with Lookie, you can ask the AI chatbot any question from the video, and you will have your answers right at your fingertips. 🌍 Consume global content: With Lookie’s AI, language is no barrier when it comes to Youtube videos. It supports translations from 200+ languages, allowing you to gather as much information as you can, surpassing the language barrier. Till now, Lookie has been in private beta, and we have had 3500+ users who are using it to save time, and learn more! 🧠 Students are using Lookie to absorb knowledge from long videos in lesser time, and managing all of it efficiently in a single app. 🧳 People travelling abroad are using it to quickly find the best places to visit, by consuming local videos on the go. 👔 Busy professionals are using Lookie to consume videos to learn more about their market, and brush up their skills by consuming longer videos in almost 1/4th time. With Lookie, we hope to make your YouTube experience not just about watching, but also about creating meaningful knowledge. We are live on both Play Store, and Apple Store, and I’d love if you can give Lookie a try and let us know how you like it? To celebrate our Product Hunt launch, we're offering a special discount on our premium plan for a limited time—don’t miss out! I'd love to hear your valuable feedback and will work quickly to improve the product based on your suggestions :) Here’s to making more out of the Youtube videos we watch! Happy Learning 🚀