AI agent that finds jobs and auto-applies on your behalf
Tired of filling out the same job application forms over and over? Exhausted from browsing dozens of job search websites? I've got you covered! Meet LiftmyCV – an AI agent that finds job openings and auto-applies on your behalf. No subscription required.
Dan here, the founder and maker of LiftmyCV. Many of you have probably faced the same pain of browsing endless job boards, tweaking filters, and filling out the same forms over and over. That’s exactly why I built LiftmyCV – an AI-powered tool that finds relevant job openings and auto-applies on your behalf.
Some key highlights:
100% bootstrapped – self-funded and built from the ground up.
Took 11 months to build a stable version instead of the planned 4 months
Fine-tuning AI auto-fill logic has been a beast (and still improving).
GPT responses needed constant adjustments to avoid bad form fills.
Personal insights & next steps:
While building LiftmyCV, I personally tested the service in passive mode and still received dozens of responses from recruiters and companies. I even landed several interviews and job offers. That was proof that it works.
I want to keep LiftmyCV bootstrapped and self-funded, but let’s see what happens next. As many of you know, bootstrapping is tough!
I’ll continue adding new features, refining AI components, and listening to user feedback. You can check out the Canny-based changelog and follow LiftmyCV on social media to see what’s coming next.
Takeaway notes:
Thanks for stopping by and reading LiftmyCV’s story! I’d truly appreciate it if you could give it a try or share it with anyone looking for job opportunities.
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