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Tasks from every call, no bots needed

Hoop's Mac app gets your tasks from every meeting platform with no bots required. See all your tasks from meetings, email, and Slack in one spot- automatically. One consolidated list that follows you from email to meeting to Slack channel. Boom!

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Hey Product Hunt!

We had a successful launch last fall and have been hard at work iterating on Hoop - an AI task manager that automatically identifies tasks from meetings, Slack, and email and puts them in one spot. There's no "starring" emails or "marking as unread" necessary: Hoop uses AI to find your tasks across tools and centralizes them so you never miss another task.

For meeting tasks, customers told us a meeting bot felt intrusive and uncomfortable. So we went back to the drawing board and reimagined what the ideal experience should be. Coming out of a meeting, you want to know "What am I on the hook for?" So we built Hoop for Mac - a macOS app that uses local audio to transcribe and identify meeting tasks. It works with all meeting platforms including Zoom, Meet, Teams, Slack Huddles, and even audio notes. It's connected to your calendar, so you'll get a prompt to start Hoop just in time for each meeting. After the meeting, you have all your tasks alongside context, transcripts, and summaries. And there's no meeting bot involved.

The best part is that tasks from meetings live alongside tasks from Slack and email. It truly is the only fully automated, AI driven task manager that makes sure you never miss another task.

Thanks so much for your support! We're excited to see what you think!