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HAY's DX Platform

Improve your dev team’s work output, wellbeing & teamwork

Elevate Developer Experience (DX) with every one-on-one meeting. Build a vibrant and committed engineering team by improving happiness, fostering collaboration, and optimizing productivity.

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Hello, Product Hunt community! 👋 I'm Tomek, the founder of HAY. From research and documentation to coding and deployment, developers often encounter many challenges that make creating software confusing, difficult, and joyless. This experience not only hampers productivity but could also jeopardize the end product. That’s why I'm thrilled to introduce HAY’s DX Platform, our solution that helps EMs and Tech Leads build high-performing engineering teams by optimizing work output, enhancing wellbeing, and fostering teamwork. I'm super excited to hear your thoughts, feedback, and questions. Let's improve DX and bring empowerment, support, and motivation back to building software.