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App Details
Discover any app's monthly downloads & revenue
AppDetails is an iOS shortcut estimate App Store metrics. AppDetails simplifies tracking downloads, revenues, and other key statistics for any App Store App. It's ideal for market research, competitor analysis, and for anyone to understand app market trends.
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Hello Product Hunt, it's Irfan 🙌 Actually, I wasn't planning to launch this product today but mistakenly I set the schedule for today and I couldn't find any cancel button so here we are. App details is officially launched! App details is the tool that help you to do market research for the App Store more efficiently. You can basically use the App Details iOS shortcut on the share sheet when you open any mobile app page on the App Store. Just with one tap you'll learn the details about the app such as approximate downloads they got last month, how much revenue they generated last month and more. Don't forget to claim your %80 special off for product hunt launch. Use the code "PHLAUNC80"