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Deepen your relationships

Card Games
Health & Fitness

With is an app featuring over 200 curated cards designed to foster deeper connections and self-awareness through meaningful conversations. Whether for family gatherings, friends, or personal reflection.

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In 1997, a groundbreaking study by psychologists Arthur Aron, Ph.D., and Elaine Aron, Ph.D., revealed a fascinating way to foster intimacy between strangers. Published in the *Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin*, their research demonstrated that answering a specific set of 36 increasingly personal questions could accelerate feelings of closeness, intimacy, and even love. Inspired by this idea, we created With. An app designed to help you build deeper connections through a curated set of cards. Each card contains thoughtfully crafted questions that encourage meaningful conversations and reveal more about each other as you progress.

Comment highlights

Love the idea behind With! It’s a fresh way to build real connections and spark deep conversations.

This would be so cool, especially when you've been away from friends for a while or even older friends. Get good marketing angles and off you go bud!

Love this! And very sleek design, the cards are really beautiful! Are you planning to release it on Android? 🥹

The idea of using cards to inspire more meaningful conversations is brilliant. We often get caught up in surface-level talk, so it’s refreshing to see a tool designed to foster genuine connections. I’m sure this will make a big difference in nurturing closer relationships with loved ones. Best of luck!

Feels like tarot but with scientific backing! Would love to try this with new people!

Makes self awareness much easier to practice. The variety of conversation starters makes this app super versatile for any occasion, whether it’s with family or friends.

These curated cards are perfect for starting meaningful conversations. It's a great way to bring people closer during gatherings!

Cards make personal reflection easier and more focused. It's great way to connect with yourself as well as with others.

It's amazing how this tool encourages open and thoughtful conversations, really helping to strengthen relationships.

Focus on fostering deeper connections is something I really appreciate. It's much needed in today's fast paced world.

Very interesting idea! Over 200 cards are great, but what happens when I’ve gone through them all? Does With offer updates or expansions to keep the conversations fresh, or am I gonna be recycling the same questions until the end of time? Gotta keep the convo alive, folks!

What a coincidence. I was just thinking about how to better/deeper/grow my relationships with friends and fam. First thought was to collect a couple blogs or questionnaires but this already does that all for me. Good luck with the launch! iOS only? no android?

are there different categories for the cards depending on the relationship dynamic, like for friends s versus family, or maybe even co-workers?

Congratulations on launching! This is exactly the kind of app that could make a difference in hoe people connect with one another.

this app put focus on genuine human connections. The curated cards are such a simple yet effective way to bring people together.