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Walking Games: Explora

Gamified step tracker app, get motivated to walk every day

Health & Fitness

Walking is good for you. As a tech person, you are probably like me: not doing enough of it. This gamified app (using a light "Duolingo" approach") is designed to remind you to walk more every day, and help you protect you health while having fun.

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After a successful soft launch in France with 1,000 users, the app has just been released to all countries. To celebrate and help it gain some attention, the lifetime VIP offer has been made free for some time. This way, you can test all features and start walking more today! 😎

Comment highlights

Love the concept behind Walking Games: Explora! Gamifying step tracking is a fun way to stay motivated. Are there different levels or challenges to keep users engaged over time?

Hi Luc, congrats on the launch on PH! I haven't downloaded the app yet but from what I see it looks awesome. Zombies, Run! is one of my favorite apps - it really motivates me to get out and run more. I love the gamification aspect of it. It's great to see this approach applied to walking, especially for those of us who spend a lot of time sitting in front of computers. By the way, what sparked the idea for this app? It's a really cool concept.

Big Congrats on your launch. I love running (and walking) and will definitely try it out.

This is amazing for us to make body healthy and smart while having fun. I hope you make more ease for us in future.

Congratulations on the launch. This reminds me of a product called Stepn. However, that product was a complete scam, while you have created an interesting gamified experience! I am really looking forward to your success!

This seems super fun! What if you can make it almost like peloton but for iPhone?

Kudos to you it's a great product. It's worth questioning whether the in-app purchases impact the overall accessibility and enjoyment of the app.

Great job on this impressive product! The concept really stands out. What's next on your roadmap in terms of features or milestones? Keep the great work coming!

The idea of gamifying walking with Explora is innovative. It raises questions about data security, though. What measures are in place to protect user information, especially given the health data involved?

Congratulations on your launch I think it could potentially enhance its appeal by providing deeper insights into health metrics. More detailed analytics might help users understand the impact of their activities better.

It seems like a fantastic way to make walking more engaging! The gamification elements like unlocking characters and climbing leagues could really motivate anyone to move more. Great concept @hello_explora