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Open source AI powered email for everyone

Artificial Intelligence

Write emails with the help of AI and send them with an API call. E-mail shouldn't be so difficult.

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Hey everyone! 👋🏻 I'm Luca and together with a small team of friends we're launching Volamail, an open source AI-based email editor and provider. Volamail was born out of the need for email tooling that didn't get in your way. We wanted to be able to collaborate on emails together and send them with a simple API call, regardless of the tech stack of each project. All this provided via a powerful, open source dashboard that can be self-hosted on any AWS account. It didn't start out as an AI-first product, it was just a rich text editor but after some experimentation we couldn't settle on a UX that allowed complex templates to be crafted with ease. That's when we started experimenting with LLMs and we found out the current models are actually really good at this. Volamail is currently in open beta for people to start experimenting with. We want to gather feedback on the editor while we iterate on more complex features (such as localisation, marketing emails, scheduled sending, etc.). During this open beta phase everyone can sign up for free and send 500 transactional emails per month via the API. We also provide a paid tier that uses a better model and offers 10k emails per month.

Comment highlights

Do we really need another AI tool for emails, feels like we're just adding more layers of complexity, what's next, AI for writing text messages?

Luca, intriguing idea but AI-powered emails feel like overkill, does anyone really need this kind of automation for simple emails, maybe focus less on AI and more on user control, otherwise sounds too complicated for everyday use

I get that you’re pushing for innovation but do we really need AI for everything? It feels like we're just adding more complexity to something that should be simple, and I'm a bit skeptical about the open source part, let's see how it goes 🤔

I'm not really sure why anyone would need AI to write emails when tools like Mailchimp and Sendinblue already do similar things, isn't this just complicating something that should be simple, and honestly the whole self-hosting part on AWS sounds like a hassle, who has time for that, what are you guys really aiming for here, and why should we use this over existing tools?

I saw this new open source AI email editor thing through a friend and I'm kinda unsure about it, feels like just another tool that complicates stuff more, don’t really see why we need AI in emails, hope the team's ready for some real feedback coz it feels half-baked right now.

This just feels like another AI email tool, we've already got stuff like Mailgun and SendGrid and they're more polished, also adding AI just complicates things more, who needs that half-baked feature anyway?

This sounds pretty interesting, Luca! I love the focus on collaboration with email, but I'm curious about the capabilities of the AI in terms of customizability. Can users tailor the AI suggestions, or is it more of a one-size-fits-all approach? Also, how do you plan to prioritize feedback during the beta phase? Looking forward to trying it out!

So, it's supposed to make writing emails easier but then you added AI and now it's kinda doing too much, how is this different from all the other services that use AI for emails, also wondering how secure it is if we’re hosting it ourselves?

Luca, I see the idea behind your email tool but it kinda feels like a mix of what Mailgun and SendGrid offer but with the AI twist, I'm curious how it stacks up against those giants, also wondering if you've thought about any kind of spam protection or deliverability features cause most AI-generated stuff tends to get flagged a lot, looking forward to see how this grows and if it could genuinely ease emailing.

That looks great, I'll consider trying it out after our launch for our email stuff!

I get that AI emails can save time but are we really okay with machines writing our emails now, I feel like this just removes the human touch completely, let's see how it evolves might be interesting could be a disaster though

Interesting concept but isn't trusting an AI with email content and sending kinda risky, what about the privacy concerns, any plans to address that, maybe add more user control features

Stumbled upon this tool through an online ad, first impressions it’s kinda cool but it feels like AI-driven emails could mess up the personal touch, has anyone else felt this, also wondering if a feature for easier integration with other email platforms might help? hasn't really solved my problem tbh

Congrats to you and the team on launching Volamail! The idea of an AI-based email editor with open source access is super interesting. Really curious to see how the integration with different tech stacks works out. Best of luck with the beta phase!

So many reasons to support this launch! Team of friends boot strapping, open-source, a new way to build email campaigns! This product has lots of potential. I think it's a great email campaign creation tool, but it sure can use some beautification toolings like generating visual assets and fit them into the email well. I can also imagine that it can use some help on ensuring the email looks good when rendered by different email providers. Lots of directions this can go! Congrats on the launch @plushdohn and team!