Village helps you find warm intros to top talent, investors, and customers. Our V1 helps founders instantly tap into 100s of investors they're already connected through other portfolio founders.
Hi ProductHunt!
I’m Abdallah Absi 👋🏽, and I’m thrilled to introduce to you Village 🏠 — the AI for your social capital.
We help professionals ** instantly and magically ** find warm introductions to customers, investors, and talent that are impossible to find via LinkedIn. Our V1 product helps 100k+ venture-backed founders instantly find warm intros to follow-on investors through 14,000+ pre-mapped VC networks. You can filter investors by connection strength, sweet spot funding, the sectors they invest in and more. There’s nothing better for fundraising in the market today than Village!
In 2019, after several startup setbacks, I decided to look for a job. I moved from Lebanon to the US and found myself stripped out of all my network and rapport that took years to build.
I tried really hard to leverage my network by putting down a list of all my warm connections in a sheet, then reaching out to them individually to tap into their networks for opportunities for me. People struggled to help because they simply didn’t know how to scan their network for the purpose of helping me specifically. My efforts ended in frustration.
It was obvious there’s a lack of “high-resolution” network visibility, so I started hacking a prototype. I was afraid this was an only a me problem, so I ended up joining LinkedIn Premium’s product team in the US — to learn about the market, and build it internally if I could.
Fast-forward 2022, LinkedIn — I quit LinkedIn. I Joined hands with Rafa. I’ve worked directly with maybe ~50-100 engineers throughout my career. Rafa is absolutely the #1 engineer I’ve ever worked with. He’s not an ex-big tech, not a Harvard. We met cold after ~50 interviews with engineers and have been working together for 3 years now. He’s the poster-child of high-rapport, high-ethics with unbelievable drive that the Village network would help you discover.
Now you can. You get a Lifetime 100% off Essentials plan if you sign up today only.
If you’re a VC-backed founder, please write in the comments and we’ll DM you the private access to your portfolio.
I've been an early user for helping us uncover introduction paths in our network. The team has been iterating rapidly and creating value for me. Happy user here👍
Village has a wide range of uses which I look forward to applying across several grassroot environmental projects. A real tool for movement building. Great job guys!