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Generate multi-language Figma designs from component library

Design Tools
Artificial Intelligence

Ugic is a Figma plugin. It can generate customized AI-driven, multi-language Figma designs based on user component libraries and design systems.

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Hello Product Hunt! 🎉 After more than a year of exploration and development,we’re super excited to introduce Ugic to this amazing community!I Ugic is the first Figma plugin to generate multi-language UI drafts from your own component library. 🔗 Plugin link: 🔗Join our Discord group for more help and information: Reflecting on this journey, starting from testing with GPT-3.5 in May 2023 to now, our goal has always been unswerving: to transform the current AI2UI product market, which is currently ruled by templated and poorly scalable solutions, by achieving a deep AI understanding of product requirements. We came to realize that pixel-perfect UI drawing is not the ultimate goal. After all, the manual process that designers go through has actually been a way to gather inspiration and insights through continuous iteration. If our goal is to find the "right" interface, then manually drawing UI is just one of the means to achieve this goal. Based on this understanding, the iterations of our plugin will focus on three key elements in the long term: speed, understanding, and quality. ✨Speed is a must. We believe that AI generation should be in sync with human thinking, without interrupting the creativity spark. This requires our tool to respond quickly, keeping up with the designer’s thought process. ✨Understanding refers to the AI’s ability to grasp the business context and goals, leading to appropriate design solutions. This not only relies on data and models but also requires designers to provide clear background information and continuous feedback. ✨Quality is mainly the visual performance, which directly impacts the user’s first impression. Although this is a dynamic metric, we maintain high standards to ensure that the generated results meet professional levels. After several iterations, our plugin now has the following capabilities: ✅ Personalized Component Libraries: Choose your preferred component library, whether it’s community-shared or a personally customized one. ✅Text-to-Structure Conversion: Enter long-form text, and Ugic intelligently transforms it into a page structure, allowing you to preview and adjust before generation to ensure the design meets your expectations. ✅Multi-Language Support: Ugic supports input in English, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and dozens of other languages. No matter your language preference, Ugic can generate a UI in the corresponding language. ✅ Iterative Design: After generation, you can easily adjust the page structure and iterate on the design until it aligns with your vision. For pricing, Ugic currently offers only a paid version. Honestly, this was a tough decision. After a deliberate consideration, we realized that to maintain Ugic’s high output quality, we must use top-notch large language models at every stage. This means that the cost per generation is relatively high. If we offered a free trial, we might not last long before having to shut down. I'm aware this may disappoint some friends. But think about this: isn’t a tool that significantly enhances efficiency and sparks creativity worth investing in? We firmly believe that Ugic can bring tangible value to designers. For those interested in more details about the costs, we’ve prepared a detailed cost breakdown document: In the future, we will continue to optimize and expand the plugin’s functionality, exploring more possibilities in AI-assisted design. We invite everyone to stay tuned for our progress and join us in this magical journey! Ugic Team

Comment highlights

This feels like a game changer for the speeding up the workflow. Even as a frontend developer I am excited to use this. Kudos for the launch!

Hi @giddens, I'm the founder of All in AI Tools, and I want to congratulate you on the launch of your new product. Ugic is an impressive Figma plugin that truly stands out in its ability to generate customized, AI-driven, multi-language designs based on user component libraries and design systems. The plugin offers unlimited styles generated directly from your component library, ensuring that every design is perfectly aligned with your existing design system. Additionally, its multilingual generation capabilities, which include PRD recognition and draft generation in dozens of languages, make it an invaluable tool for global teams. Given how well your product meets the criteria for inclusion in All in AI, we've added it to our directory at I hope this helps you quickly launch your project and attract more users.

I get that you're trying to tap into the multi-language market with this plugin, but seriously, how many designers really need AI generating their Figma projects in different languages, feels like a niche within a niche, wouldn't it be better to focus on improving core design features first, 🤷‍♂️ just my two cents

This new plugin looks super promising, especially for anyone who has to juggle multiple languages in their design projects, I've tried something similar with plugins like Translate Figma and Polyglot but this seems like it takes it a step further with the AI integration and all, it's definitely gonna save heaps of time for product managers just like the founder said but I wonder how it stacks up against these other tools in real-world situations, interested to see how it performs once those last wrinkles are worked out

I'm not really sure about this new plugin it sounds promising but let's be honest there's already tools like Lingo and Grids that do pretty much the same thing, how's this any better, yeah it might save time but if it still needs design optimization, what's the point, feels like we're getting another half-baked tool in the market, what do you think about it

Interesting concept but I gotta say, relying heavily on AI for design might take away the human touch, sure it saves time but at what cost, still needs a lot of optimization before it's truly useful 🧐

Not bad but isn't it a bit risky to rely on AI for something as creative as design, it might save some time but what about the quality, just doesn't seem like a complete solution yet

Cool idea but if you still need to optimize the design it feels half-baked, how can you call it impressive when it's not fully ready for development?

I'm a bit skeptical about relying on AI for multi-language design, sometimes automated tools miss the nuances in different languages, just curious if the AI can really match a designer's touch, any thoughts on that

Found this tool through a friend, TBH, not sure it's as game-changing as it claims, I've used design generators like Anima and Zeroheight, and they seem more reliable, sure it saves some time, but still needs quite a bit of manual tweaking 🙄.

Honestly, the AI tool still needs a bunch of design tweaks before it's truly ready, how about adding more customization options for different user needs this could really improve it, also any plans to integrate better with existing dev processes?

I gotta say, I'm a bit skeptical about this new tool, like yeah it might save time translating Figma designs thanks to AI, but if it still needs design tweaks after, what's the point, can't see this being a real game-changer unless it can actually handle complex design tasks without much human intervention

As a mobile developer with a focus on cross-platform apps, I can't help but wonder if this plugin is really going to add value to my workflow, does the AI deal well with different languages in a way that's user-friendly or will it just create more issues for the dev team, it seems a bit redundant too, don't you think there are already tools out there doing similar things, curious how it handles complex design systems and if there's room for improvement in customization options?

Alexandre, congrats on this AI tool, sounds super helpful for product managers, especially with the multi-language feature. Quick question, any plans to make it ready for direct development in the future? Would love to see that, keep it up!

So you're saying the tool can help product managers speed up their workflow, but it still requires a fair amount of design optimization before hitting development, I mean, I get that it might save some time, but if it can't fully streamline the process, isn't it just adding another step? might be useful but still a way to go, just my two cents

Not sure about this new plugin, sounds promising for reducing some time on drafts, but relying on AI for design feels like a shortcut, might save time but what about the unique touch a human designer brings, you know everything can't be automated, just my two cents.

I heard about this figma plugin from a friend, I gotta say while it promises to save time by converting PRD to UI drafts, it's a bit disappointing that it can't go straight into development yet and still needs design tweaks, kinda feels like an incomplete solution compared to other tools like Anima or Zeplin that offer more integrated workflows, hopefully, future updates make it more robust but right now it seems like its falling short, not sure if I'll give it a try until then

I'm not sure if we need another design tool, especially one that's not fully ready for development, yeah it saves time but if it needs optimization anyway, why not just do it the right way from the start, plus too many tools means more confusion 🤔