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Master X and AI tools


Twitdget enhances your Twitter with AI-generated tweets, smart scheduling, and advanced analytics. It learns from your content to create relevant plans. Available for iOS.

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Hey Product Hunters! 👋 I'm thrilled to introduce you to Twitdget after a dedicated journey! Managing your Twitter effectively is crucial, and Twitdget takes it a step further with AI-driven insights and automation. Here’s what we offer: - ✨ AI-Generated Tweets: Craft perfect tweets effortlessly. - 📅 Smart Scheduling: Plan and automate your posts for maximum engagement. - 📊 Advanced Analytics: Gain deep insights into your performance. - 📝 Post Rewriting: Optimize your content with ease. In the future, we plan to expand to other social networks, create visual widgets, and add managers to your profile for even more functionality. Check it out and let us know your thoughts.😊

Comment highlights

Finally something not for Instagram! This is neat for actual tweet campaign productivity. Will start today

"It learns from your content" -- that part sounds most interesting here. Good luck for the launch

Congrats on launching Twitdget! Excited to see how this will boost engagement and streamline content creation.

It looks impressive, AI generated tweets, smart scheduling, and advanced analytics, all in one app. Perfect for mastering X. Excited to see this in action! Congrats team.

This can significantly speed up the work on my new product, a very interesting solution. Please let me know if there will be similar implementation for Instagram or LinkedIn?

Congrats on the launch @ivanoff! I love how this is a all in one tool from writing to analytics to keeping the writer motivated. I think it'll be cool if the AI can give suggestions based on viral tweets (from low followers or not retweeted by big accounts in the first 1hr). I think that would be fairly useful.

Congrats on your launch, Nick! I enjoy using this app because it appears more streamlined than the official Twitter app. Moreover, I am particularly fond of its three core features. I am curious, does Twitdget currently pay Elon Musk $5,000 per month🤣?

The AI-generated tweet feature sounds promising, especially with the analytics support. Do you plan to integrate any other social media platforms soon?

I like that it learns from previous posts. Does this include analyzing the performance data of the posts? Congrats on the launch!

Very interesting!🔥great for boosting engagement and maximizing Twitter effectiveness

Congratulations! It’s really good idea and useful. I love it. Best of luck on your lunch.

How does Twitdget's AI learn and adapt to a user's Twitter habits and content preferences to generate relevant tweets? Great Launch!!

It seems very much needed according to the introduction!🤩 Is it only for iOS? I want to know about your next plan. Will there be a Chrome extension?

I love this idea. I think it’d be really good if you could add price plans to the homepage though.

This looks like a powerful tool for social media management! I'm curious about the AI-generated tweets. How does the AI learn and improve over time? Also, any plans for integrating with other social networks in the near future?