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Tusk (YC W24)

Make UI improvements with AI

Developer Tools
Artificial Intelligence

Tusk is an AI agent that helps product teams complete UI changes from ticket to pull request. Automate away grunt work like minor bug fixes and copy changes to increase customer NPS without bothering your software engineers.

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Hey everybody! @sohil_kshirsagar, @jytan and I are proud to launch Tusk, an AI agent that helps PMs and product engineers make UI improvements without needing to write code. 🐘 🎉 We launched our beta earlier this year with a select group of companies while we were going through the YC W24 batch. We’ve since battle-tested our AI across a variety of production tasks in mature, complex codebases. It’s been incredibly exciting working on the frontier of what LLMs can do in the wild. We’ve put a lot of R&D cycles into getting LLMs to make the right changes in the right files. Our state-of-the-art agent refers to an abstract semantic graph of your codebase and learns from your past PRs and code reviews to generate high quality code. 💨 Tusk integrates with ticketing software like Jira, Linear, Notion, and GitHub so it takes one click to create a pull request for your UI tickets 🐛 Tusk comes with out-of-the-box Figma, Loom, Jam, and Bird Eats Bug integrations that pull context from external apps to generate high-quality code 🧑‍🔬 Our agent runs your CI checks on its code output and automatically iterates on a branch until it passes all your checks 🧠 Our agent addresses and remembers feedback from any code reviews left by human software engineers We’re a firm believer that you shouldn’t need to bother your software engineers to fix padding on a modal or change the text of a header. Evidently we’re not alone. Tusk is now helping high-growth companies, backed by the likes of Y Combinator, Andreessen Horowitz, General Catalyst and Tiger Global, save $36K in engineering hours a year. Try Tusk for free on your own repo today: Feel free to ask your questions here or reach out to me at [email protected]. :)

Comment highlights

A killer product with a killer team, congrats on the launch! Super curious where you see this heading for languages that fall somewhat out of the major distribution such as Swift?

Congratulations on the launch! What kinds of companies benefit the most from Tusk? I think a lot of companies could benefit from using this.

Wow this looks incredible! I've been using Cursor, but noticing it has a hard time maintaining the context of both the codebase and documentation simultaneously - are you able to link outside docs or give Tusk direction on what technologies you want it to work with/implement?

Excited to see how Tusk can streamline UI improvements and free up engineers for more impactful work. Great job!

Congrats on the launch Marcel!! Definitely going to try this out for Blue Whale when we have code to write!

This is such an interesting launch, @marceltan! I love the idea of automating UI changes without taking up engineers' time. Quick question: how does Tusk handle edge cases or more complex UI changes that might not fit the usual patterns found in your codebase? Also, I'm curious about the learning process from past PRs—how quickly does it adapt to changes in coding standards or team preferences? Looking forward to seeing how Tusk evolves!

Tusk looks super interesting! Could be helpful to me as someone who doesn't do frontend as often. How easy is it to onboard the tool?

This sounds like a game-changer for product teams! I'm curious about the integration process with existing codebases. How does Tusk ensure it adapts to the unique structures of different repositories, especially those that are more complex? Also, with the ability to learn from past PRs and code reviews, how does Tusk handle inconsistencies in coding styles among different team members? Does it maintain flexibility for teams that have specific coding standards while still automating tasks effectively? I'm excited to see how Tusk could boost efficiency without overwhelming engineers with minor updates. Kudos to @marceltan and the team on this launch!

This is sick!! I saw and used the early versions of Tusk and it was already very effective for my small team then. So amazing to see the continuous work being put into this product. Love the fact that Tusk now tries to find work for itself from tickets -- that already makes it better than some humans 😂 I know right now Tusk is focused on solving UI tickets, will writing test cases alongside the UI components Tusk produces be part of the roadmap as well? Especially if the repo has existing UI testing patterns.

This looks really interesting, @marceltan! I’m curious about how Tusk handles edge cases in coding. Does the AI provide an opportunity for manual review before finalizing the PR, especially for complex UI changes? Would love to hear more about the decision-making process!

Congrats on the launch, team! As an engineer, another great use case I could see for this is having some old bugs (P3's, things on the back-burner essentially) be solved with an automated tool like this. Where do you think Tusk is at with debugging and understanding problems without concrete solutions, or use cases like this one?

Tusk watches your @linear_app and, with a simple tag, does your task and creates a pull request for you to review. It helps if you've tasks stuck in the backlog for a long time and your engineers are too busy. A few tasks on our team were solved with Tusk and we're looking forward to seeing how this product grows!

Woah this is really smart. Can I teach Tusk which PRs are good examples to learn from?

Tusk saves so much time fixing minor bugs and copy changes! Truly one of the best coding tools in YC Winter batch.

Congrats on the launch Marcel and Sohil! Super excited to test this out for my team. What are the best ways to make the most out of Tusk for larger changes? How does Tusk handle code generation across multiple components and/or files?

Congrats on the launch! This tool seems super helpful for PMs and engineers. How do you see product designers collaborating with PMs and engineers using this tool? Again, really excited to try this out!

Is this tool easy to integrate with existing project management tools like Jira or Asana? Sounds like a game-changer for design and dev teams if so!