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The tube feeding companion app


All your tube feeding needs in one place. Tubie is on a mission to ease the tube feeding life — combining smart tools, schedules, reminders and more.

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In April 2023, our lives were forever changed when our beloved daughter was born with a congenital heart defect. Our dreams and expectations of parenthood quickly transformed into struggles, tears, and constant fear for her life. At just five weeks old, after significant weight loss, she began receiving nutrition solely through an NG tube. This was a completely new reality for us. While she finally started gaining weight, tube feeding brought its own set of challenges. Desperately seeking a way to make life a bit easier, we searched for an app to assist us but found nothing that met our needs. At seven months old, our daughter underwent a successful heart surgery. Her recovery was swift, and her need for tube feeding lasted only a few more weeks. We were incredibly fortunate, but we know this isn't the case for everyone. Once our lives settled into a new normal, I began developing a tube feeding companion app based on our experiences and the gaps we identified during our journey. This app is more than just a tool; it's a labor of love inspired by our journey. It's designed to support other families facing similar challenges, offering a solution we desperately sought to make those difficult moments a bit easier. Our daughter's strength and resilience inspire us every day. Through this app, we hope to ease the life of other families on similar journeys.

Comment highlights

Hey @emillinden Is Tubie an app that manages feeding schedules, reminders, and other tube feeding needs? Could this be a helpful tool for tube feeding patients?

The Tube Feeding Companion app is a valuable tool designed to support individuals who rely on enteral feeding. This app provides comprehensive guidance on managing tube feeding, offering features such as personalized feeding schedules, durhamnctree, nutritional tracking, and troubleshooting tips. It aims to enhance the user experience by making daily management easier and more efficient.

What an amazing story and Idea. Happy that you got a featured spot! As I am not familiar with this topic, I maybe can not test it like all the different AI tools on here, but from the story alone and the apparent positive Feedback in the Comments I am glad to see this succeed! All the best to the project and your family!

@emillinden An idea to further enhance it could be to introduce integration with wearable devices or health apps, allowing users to monitor their health metrics and receive real-time reminders and alerts.

Congrats on the launch! Really inspiring and heartwarming story, all the best to you and your family! ❤️

Inspiring story😭 Best of luck to you and your family!! This will benefit a lot of people! Thank you!