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TIRA by Formation

Test your coding skills and land a higher paying job

Software Engineering
Developer Tools
Online Learning

In a turbulent market filled with layoffs, it's critical to know your true SWE skill level, where you're interview-ready, and the most efficient way to prep to land your next role. The TIRA is a 45-min SWE assessment to offer clarity for job hunters.

Top comment

@nicole_rose_balsamo @sophienovati : Congrats on the launch team, the product looks amazing.

Comment highlights

So many people think degrees are everythig... What matters is that you can do the job and its apps like this that get you there if you have zero experience! Have a great launch!

Congratulations Team!! This is such an amazing opportunity for software engineers to learn about their gaps in critical areas. I hope this expands to other domains as well!!

Leveling is one of the hardest things to suss out in the interview process. Huge benefit to companies and candidates!

What a great way to support candidates. Thanks for all you're doing to help talent shine! 🤩

Amazing, measuring the skill level of individual competencies is such a huge productivity boost. You can focus on improving the biggest focus areas!

Hello. Congratulations on the launch. I'm joining the question about training for PM. There are already many solutions for coders. We need something new, niche-specific.