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Generate timestamps for your video in seconds


TimeStamper is an AI tool that generates timestamps/chapters for YouTube videos with just a link. It is specifically tailored for long-form content creators to create timestamps in less than 15 seconds, saving hours of manual effort.

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Hello everyone👋!! I'm Sanjay! The founder of TimeStamper ( I'm super happy to launch my first ever SaaS tool. TimeStamper is specifically designed for long-form content YouTube creators - this includes Podcasts, Sports Discussions, Gameplay, Live Streams, Tutorials, and more. It leverage AI to extract and process content, generating key points in the video and generate timestamps within 15 seconds. This not only saves creators hours of manual effort but also enhances the user experience for their audiences. As a student and long-form content consumer, I identified this specific pain point of content creators. Despite a shoulder injury, I built this product in just 3 days and acquired customers within 2 days post-launch through organic marketing. I have never been so bullish about a tool; I recognized a problem that few were effectively addressing. I warmly invite you to try out TimeStamper and provide valuable feedback. Your input will help me improve the product and enhance your overall timestamping experience:) Contacts- Email: [email protected] Twitter: Best regards, Sanjay Founder of TimeStamper

Comment highlights

This tool is a game-changer for video creators! Generating timestamps in seconds makes organizing and navigating videos a breeze, effortless video management with this efficient tool!

Hi Sanjay! Do you have plans to make it work not only with YouTube videos? For example, we conduct demo calls with our clients and then share videos with the team. With proper timestamps, team members could save time and jump to the needed parts of the conversation.

Although adding timestamps is not time-consuming, it's a pain. Finding the exact timings and coming up with good names is quite annoying. I will definitely give the tool a try! Upvoted :) Good luck @sanjay_0508

TimeStamper is a revelation for content creators focusing on lengthy tutorials. Nice work, Sanjay!

I have a videomaker friend who will definitely love this product! I just have one doubt: with all the investments Adobe is making in AI in its suite, don't you think you are at risk of being 'absorbed' as a default feature at least as far as Adobe users are concerned?

Congratulations on the launch! This can greatly improve the description of YouTube videos, which is very useful for video creators. I would like to inquire whether your product needs to be used with YouTube videos that have subtitles, or if it can be used with any YouTube video?

After putting up the link, it says YouTube is not supported, and posting any link fails...

As a video creator who is inherently lazy(lol) this is extremely valuable and a huge time saver! Happy launching folks

Adding timestamps manually was a huge pain before, but I'm glad that your tool is helping to solve that problem. Congratulations on the launch!

Great tool! Is this only for creators or anyone could use it to create timestamps?

Congrats on the launch 🎉 Lots of YouTubers and podcast hosts will find this useful. Nice work!

Will there also be the option to upload the video (file) and have timestamps from it (before uploading on YouTube)? Or will it ever be usable for podcasts as well?