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That's One Second

One second of fame from each of your followers

Social Media

Your time is counted! You're getting one second from each of your followers on Twitter/X. Pick a spot and let's see how long you last!

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Hello everyone! I'm Sam, the founder of RamenTools and a few other weird projects. Today I'm launching an even stranger website. It's called That's One Second. It tells you how many seconds you have left to live... Ah wait no, it's not exactly that. Sign up with X, pick a spot and you're getting featured for as many seconds as followers you get on X. Add or remove some time to others to get their spot. Try it here : That's it. Have fun!

Comment highlights

Heheh I loved the idea Sam! Really fun, let's try to take the most of twitter and having fun at the same time. All the best mate on this awesome launch

If anyone's building fun, contextual games for the Twitter indie hacker community, it's Sam! Congrats on this. It's a cool way to indie hackers learn about other indie hackers in a fun way

Hey @samuelpigny "That's One Second" sounds fun, but can I choose the challenge? One second each follower seems short - how long could I really last?

Congratulations on your launch! It sounds like a fun idea, and I can’t wait to try it! Keep it up!

Congratulations on the launch. You are on to creating some interesting games for sure 🫡🚀

What an interesting game! The concept is like the oxygen produced by photosynthesis in plants. Which is more important, popularity or oxygen levels? Haha, it's really fascinating.

@samuelpigny hey Sam! This is such a quirky and fun idea, really got me interested. Quick question though, does it track the seconds automatically or do I have to update it myself? Also, what happens if someone removes all my time? Thanks!

This sounds fun! It would be interesting to see the results. I wonder if anyone with a huge following would actually try this!

Claimed my spot for a few hours. :D Visibility you know :D Good luck Samuel with the launch :)