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Swipefy for Spotify

Swipe left to boring music, swipe right on Swipefy

Artificial Intelligence

Introducing Swipefy: The ultimate music discovery app where you swipe to find your new top tracks. Discover hidden gems, sync with Spotify, and join the music revolution. No limits max swipes cause we want to to keep finding new faves! By the devs of

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Up till today, how do you usually find new music? Or do you keep listening to the same stuff over and over again? As a Gen-Z myself (19yo) I know the struggle many of my friends I have to find actually nice new stuff. Not some TikTok b*llshit song 😅 Personally I've been using Spotify song radio for quite a while, but it keeps pushing me towards the same few artists/genres and I feel like I have 0 control... So how do you find your musical pleasures nowadays? 🙃

Comment highlights

I love Spotify, so I would definitely try this tool, thanks guys. Did you already discuss this integration with Spotify team?

Congrats on the launch! Always looking for new ways to find new music...until now!

when something comes accross as: "How come I never though of this?" you know it's a good idea. Congrats to you.

Super cool. Will give it a try +1 for the great video. I understood the tool in less than 3 secs Congratulations!

Your UI looks smooth but how do you guys recommend new music? Do you use machine learning?

Curious and sceptical. Spotify fails gicing me proper suggestions. Only 1/30 songs usually gets added to my list out of their discovery. I would deffinitely give it a try!

How does this compete with spotify’s radio and discovery features, spotifys AI DJ. I LOVE Spotify - I’m not a tv watcher but definitely an audiophile that Loves new music and loves going down rabbit holes, but I’m curious what problem this solves when smart playlists/discover tools/radio/aI-Dj exists

Kudos to the Swipef team for introducing their innovative music discovery app on ProductHunt! With the ability to swipe left to boring music and swipe right to find new favorites, they're making music exploration a fun and exciting experience.