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Make any song you can imagine, anytime & anywhere


🎵 Make songs from text (lyrics and descriptions) 🎤 Make songs from your own audio (including free tier) 👂 Listen and curate music you love from other creators The Suno mobile app is currently only available in the US.

Top comment

With $125M in the bag, you gotta imagine that Suno is chasing after the TikTokification of music. The real question is — can they reach escape velocity before the gravity of several copyright infringement lawsuits brings them down?

Comment highlights

it was amazing and pure fun to create music songs with this tool , very cool and more of professional nature sounding good than the original singers,, keep up the great work and do share your roadmap too

Suno is incredible! I made a song from my own audio and was blown away by the quality. This is so user-friendly.

It looks like AI is taking over the arts, too, huh? Cool idea guys, excited to try writing a song about a friend who's the first in our chat to post new AI tools :) Do you plan to come up with an Android app by the way?

Hi, this app looks extremely intriguing. I'm disheartened it's not available in India. Are you planning on expanding your reach?

How do you guys make sure people aren't sharing AI-generated music that is protected by copyright?

It says the app is not available in my country. What’s a shame, I wanted to try it out!

Definitely the top player in the AI x Music domain. Always have a blast using Suno for creative purposes.

Imagine crafting melodies from mere lyrics or personal audio clips—it's like having a music studio in your pocket. Would love to try this!

Without a doubt, the best AI tool out there. I love music and this platform is just absolutely absolutely without a doubt a big big big win to exist. I just wish it never closes.

Congratulations on this launch. Something very different from what we generally see here. Do you support any other languages except English? And what about dialects?