offers a centralized directory of AI tools, simplifying the process of finding the right solution for business or personal projects. It provides a comprehensive guide on how to effectively utilize AI tools in daily life.
congrats on the launch, the centralized directory is a neat idea for AI tools. i'm curious, how do you ensure that the listings stay current with the rapidly evolving ai landscape?
Hey there, I just stumbled upon your website and I have to say, the design and concept are really impressive! However, I noticed a few bugs while browsing. When I clicked on buttons in the categories menu, nothing happened. The same issue occurred in the trending sections—clicking on anything there didn't work either. I thought you might want to know about these issues if you weren't already aware. Hopefully, you can fix them soon. Despite these glitches, I think your platform is awesome!
Submit AI Tool is a great tool for content creators. It helps me to generate ideas and improve my writing. The interface is user-friendly, and the results are impressive. I highly recommend it!
Congrats on the launch! 🚀 This is a great resource for discovering and sharing the best AI tools, especially as the number of AI tools keeps growing!
@zulkarnaim - thanks for creating I just used it and found several cool AI tools that I didn't know about.
I am releasing a tool soon, should I consider this platform? Check it out at my profile and let me know
This sounds fantastic, Zulkar! A centralized directory for AI tools is much needed. How often do you update the directory with new tools?
Looks good from initial glance, feel like our AI app '' could be a great addition to the page. Could you share details on reach, how many people are viewing your webpage daily? :)
Great to see more being done for the community!
Congrats on the launch.
Do you only offer paid services?
I see it as a nice alternative to (TAAFT) But I see no reason to get listed into a platform which no one know for $69 ?! 😅😂🤣
Congrats!🎉 I'd like to know what kind of impact submitting the tool will have, how many visitors it is expected to attract? After all, it's not free, and I'm considering whether or not to submit :)