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The most twisted party game

Board Games
Free Games

Storiado is a board game alternative that will make you wonder what's wrong with your friends. Play by answering simple questions, mix all the answers and generate the most twisted story you've ever read. And then read it aloud, well, if you can manage it.

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Have you ever played Consequences? It's a simple game where you create a story by answering questions and mixing up the answers. We love playing it with friends; it's a ton of fun and laughs, but the problem was that you needed several sheets of paper and pens for each game. We decided to solve this issue and created Storiado, a twisted party game that essentially follows very similar rules to Consequences, but additionally, an AI generates a story from all players' answers. The more twisted answers you come up with, the better the story will be. Of course, the funniest stories always come out when you answer using inside jokes, etc. Both the answers and the generated story must be read aloud to the rest of the friends, and believe me, sometimes it's hard. The game has a single-player mode, but to experience the full potential of Storiado, we recommend a minimum of 2 players. The more, the better.

Comment highlights

Congrats on the launch! Downloaded it, I'm definitely going to play it next time with my friends!

wow, this really looks like fun! I need to try this out the next time I see my friends :D

This is hilariously twisted fun! Forget board games, this game will have you questioning your friends' sanity in the best way possible. Just with answering some simple questions and mix all the answers, it prepares the most outrageous story ever. And trust me, reading it aloud is a challenge you won't want to miss.

this looks like a ton of fun. how many friendships has this ruined? lol don't answer that. I'm not an Android user - any plans to bring this app to iphone or web?

Storiado sounds like a fun twist on Consequences! Excited to try it out with friends and see what crazy stories we can create together.

Congratulations on the launch, Team. I love the way how you used AI for a game. Never expected to see AI in games like this. Kudos to the team. Would definitely want to give it a try with my friends.😅

Your product is really impressive, team! The concept behind it is quite fascinating. I'm curious, what exciting updates or features do you have in mind for the next phase of development? Keep up the excellent work!

I love the interface! And the game itself is perfect for breaking the boredom in those group situations. Congratulations!

Storiado is an absolute blast for those who love dark humor and creativity! I adore how it turns a simple gathering into a hilarious storytelling session. Does Storiado offer any themes or settings to guide the stories, or is it all spontaneous?