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Walk 10k step every day

Retro Games

Health care professionals recommend to walk 10,000 steps per day to stay in good shape. You want to take that daily challenge? StepUp is the app you need. Easy to use, it helps you to reach your goal every single day.

Top comment

Love the concept, just wondering about the possible 'friends' networking possibility :) So we can compete just walking haha

Comment highlights

oh wow , I'm trying to maintain 10k steps daily , but I feel like this tool will help me to achieve it even better!

Just told my girl about it and she loved the idea of locking apps. She has an old iPhone SE, so unfortunately she couldn't install the app and was quite disappointed.

Cool integration and a pixel character , really cool and improves the health of people

Congratulations on the launch of StepUp! Achieving a daily goal of 10,000 steps is a fantastic initiative for promoting good health and fitness.

The inclusion of health tips and advice related to walking can provide additional value to users, helping them stay informed about the benefits.

How does StepUp handle user data privacy and security? Knowing their data is safe is important for users.

Introducing social features where users can share achievements with friends might boost engagement and motivation.

The app’s privacy focus is reassuring. Knowing my data stays private while helping me stay fit is a big win for me.

Loving the simple design and the fact that it blocks other apps until you reach your step goal. It’s a great way to stay focused and active.

This app has made reaching my daily step goal so much easier! The notifications are great for keeping me motivated throughout the day.

Congratulations on StepUp! I think it's perfect for remote workers like me - gotta fight that chair coma. 😊 Speaking of remote workers (if they are in fact your target audience), I think calendar integration might be a cool way to get those steps in. Imagine getting a friendly reminder a few minutes before a meeting to see if it's one you could tackle standing up or taking a quick walk around the block. Too often, hitting our health goal is about weaving healthy habits into our existing routines, and calendar integration feels like a great way to do that for this group. What do you think?

The integration with Apple Health is smooth. It would be beneficial if the app could also sync with other popular fitness apps and wearables

It would be awesome if you could customize which apps are blocked and set different goals for different days,

I love the concept and the motivational notifications! It would be helpful to have a social feature where users can challenge friends and share their progress