Use your connections to get warm intros to virtually anyone. helps entrepreneurs like you to make your social capital finally useful again! π€
Thrilled to see launch today. As someone who's worn multiple hats - from founder to investor to YC CEO - I deeply understand the challenge of managing an ever-growing network of founders and investors.
What excites me about is how it's revolutionizing network building and fundraising with AI-powered matchmaking. In true YC fashion, they're tackling a real problem that every founder and investor faces.
The team has strong backing from the YC ecosystem, which speaks volumes about their potential to transform how we build meaningful connections in tech.
@ednevsky , seems interesting, but how do you ensure the quality of connections? With so many users, can you guarantee that the introductions are genuinely valuable? Additionally, what measures are in place to protect user data during these interactions?
Really like the idea - will try this out! As a former PMM at LinkedIn, this type of platform was what I imagined the company growing towards...but startups move faster :)
I recommend to all entrepreneurs who strive to use their connections as efficiently as possible! It's an incredible AI assistant that turns your social network into a powerful tool for business development.
Oh man, been manually digging through LinkedIn trying to reach design leaders at fintech companies... brutal. Quick q - how smart is it at finding actual decision makers? Tired of getting intros to 'head of design' who turn out to be junior designers with fancy titles π
Such a smart idea! Finally, a way to truly unlock the power of connections effectively.
Congrats on the launch,! π This AI networking copilot sounds like a game-changer for entrepreneurs. What's the most exciting feature for you?
Congrars! How does the pricing look like? Also, is there an api available once accounts are connected!βb
Nice ! Definitely a very useful product. Curious to test this. Congrats and good luck with the launch and beyond!
AI-powered matchmaking for founders and investors is such a game-changer. Tackling real challenges in networking and fundraising is no small feat. Congrats on the launch
Great project, what kind of AI models do you run on the data? Do you run it locally or send to partners?