Similar Songs Finder helps you find songs you'll love. If you want to create a playlis, all you have to do is enter the song and find hundreds more just like it. Its a great way to generate a playlist you'll love since you already enjoy the song you entered.
Hi all. I always wanted an easy way to make playlists based on music I listened to. So I made this to help myself and others find more music based on we already love to listen to.
I hope you enjoy all of the new music you find. Let me know what you guys think and if there is anything else I should add.
"Similar Songs Finder is a game-changer for music lovers! The ease of finding songs similar to ones you already love makes creating personalized playlists a breeze. Excited to see how this enhances my music discovery journey!"
grateful for this launch, I like because it is very practical and simple. congratulations 👏
This project is fantastic for song enthusiasts.
I have always been searching for something like that.
Good job on creating an easy way to find similar tracks to the ones we love listening to all the time.
This will greatly benefit social media creators.
I will try your project soon.
Anyway, keep going up, and good luck.
What this project like a spotify or like a smule? Really in this world need a aongs
I've always struggled to find similar songs to the songs I love, so I find this mind blowing thanks for that.
Hi Steven. I tried many times to test it but it didn't work for me. I inserted the URL of the song, a white rectangle appears and then...nothing.