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Effortlessly understand your data

Artificial Intelligence

Converse with your database using natural language, generate reports, graphs and analyse the results with AI.

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Hey, this is Musthaq from Sequel 👋🏻 Excited to announce Sequel! Sequel is an AI tool that will transform how your team interacts with data. Sequel helps you translate natural language queries to SQL and helps you analyse the result just like a data analyst, without even writing a single line of SQL query. What you can do with Sequel? Chat with your databse: Connect your database and ask questions to get results. Generate Graphs and Charts: Ask sequel to give you charts and you will get beautiful visualizations. Analyse your data: Sequel's AI helps you understand and uncover hidden insights from your data. Setup New Database: If you are setting up a new databse, just describe your schema to Sequel and Sequel will create all the tables and columns for you! Would love to see how your team uses Sequel. Looking forward for your feedback and suggestions!

Comment highlights

Congratulations on the launch of Sequel! How do you envision it transforming the way users interact with their data daily?

Hey Musthaq and the Sequel team 👋🏻, Congrats on the launch! 🎉 Sequel sounds like a game-changer for anyone who deals with data regularly. The ability to chat with your database and generate insightful reports and visualizations without writing SQL is truly revolutionary. I can see this being a massive time-saver and empowering teams to make data-driven decisions more efficiently. Can't wait to see how people utilize this tool. Wishing you all the best and looking forward to seeing the impact Sequel will make! 🚀 Cheers!

I think Sequel has a lot of potential to transform how teams interact with data. Looking forward to trying it out!

The connection to a wide range of databases and being able to get insights so quickly is a huge plus

I think many teams will appreciate how it makes querying databases much less intimidating.

I am always a bit skeptical about AI tools for SQL generation. I find that it works well on simple datasets, but unstructured data and the lack of domain-specific knowledge often make it unusable. Anyway, I hope you will succeed! I will definitely keep an eye on this product.

Finally, I can talk to my data like it’s a friend instead of a boring spreadsheet. Can’t wait to try it!

I love the idea of chatting with your database using natural language. Makes data analysis way less intimidating!

Having a way to save and share reports easily with team members sounds like a great addition!

This will definitely make life easier for data analysts and teams who need quick visualizations. The AI generated charts are a fantastic feature!

Not everyone is comfortable writing SQL from scratch, so this is perfect for making data accessible to a wider audience. I love how this tool simplifies complex SQL queries!

For me working with data it's a great option! The ability to chat with your database and get instant insights is a real time saving.

My colleague was just telling me how hard it is to pull insights from their database. I’m definitely going to recommend this tool for them.

Can you customize the visuals after they’re generated? think about if there’s flexibility in adjusting things like chart types, colors, etc.