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One-click RAG deployment for developers

Open Source
Developer Tools
Artificial Intelligence

SciPhi is a cloud platform for developers that simplifies building and deploying serverless RAG pipelines. Built with the open source R2R framework, it enables developers to focus on innovative AI applications rather than infra management.

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Exciting news, Product Hunters! 🚀 I'm thrilled to introduce SciPhi – the ultimate cloud platform for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). SciPhi empowers developers to effortlessly build and deploy serverless RAG pipelines with just one click! Built on top of the open-source R2R framework, SciPhi streamlines the entire process, allowing developers to focus on what truly matters – creating innovative applications that push the boundaries of what's possible with AI. Our early users have reported that SciPhi+R2R's streamlined workflow saves them significant time and eliminates the headaches associated with deploying to production and iterating on their RAG pipelines. With SciPhi, you can: ✅ Deploy production-ready RAG pipelines in seconds ✅ Customize your pipeline using intuitive configuration files ✅ Extend your pipeline logic with code ✅ Secure your sensitive data with encrypted secret management ✅ Automatically scale your pipeline as your application grows ✅ Monitor and optimize your system with comprehensive insights We've been working tirelessly to bring you a platform that accelerates the development, deployment, and optimization of RAG pipelines, all without the hassle of managing infrastructure. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your AI journey, SciPhi provides a seamless experience tailored to your needs. But don't just take our word for it – dive into our comprehensive documentation and see for yourself how easy it is to get your RAG solution up and running. Join our vibrant community of developers, researchers, and enthusiasts on Discord, where you can connect with like-minded individuals, get support, and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the RAG ecosystem. We can't wait to see the incredible applications you'll build with SciPhi! Share your thoughts, ask questions, and let us know how we can help you make the best RAG pipeline. Happy building! 🛠️

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@emrgnt_cmplxty Congrats on the launch! I actually worked on something similar last year - an open-source deploy RAG to your own cloud tool called RAGStack. The problem we ran into was that while hackers were interested in messing around with it, we couldn't find developers at actual companies that needed a solution to deploy RAG. AI startups viewed it as a core competency and larger companies had teams of ML engineers to work on the problem. What does your ideal customer profile look like at SciPhi?

Congrats on the launch! This is so cool. Really interested in seeing how this will grow to support ingestion from more complex documents especially as well.

Congrats on launching! Like the UX focus. What are SciPhi's (current) best-supported RAG usecases?

SciPhi is pretty sick. Was able to configure and deploy a RAG to talk to some really dense PDF documents and an easy pipeline to to it, all in just a few minutes. That would've taken me a few days to do in LangChain, not to mention the deployment!

Congrats, Owen! Development acceleration efforts are always so valuable, good luck to you and your team! As the founder of a no-code website builder, we'll see if SciPhi comes in handy for our team. In the meantime, if you'd like to wrap your expertise in an eLearning product, you're welcome to check out our course builder 🚀

Thrilled about SciPhi 🌟 Can't wait to dive into the seamless integration and customization options. 🚀 Good luck!

I'm curious about its ease of use and how it handles complex deployments, good luck