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Runway Financial

The finance platform you don't hate


Runway is the modern and intuitive way to model, plan, and align your business for everyone on your team.

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👋 Hey, Product Hunt community! I’m Siqi, founder of Runway, and I’m thrilled to share our product with you. We’ve been in early access till now — working closely with customers like AngelList, ConvertKit, and Superhuman — to find the best way to make business understandable to everyone. We’re now ready to share our answer with the whole world: a platform that connects your data, business context, and narrative — to deliver a holistic understanding to everyone at your company. Your entire team can use Runway to play with your model, and see how it actually works. We’ve made a video to show you a demo, and tell you exactly why we’re here. You’ll also hear real stories of struggles that finance leaders face everyday: I hope you watch it — our team put the same care into making this video that we’ve put into building our product. Ask us anything!

Comment highlights

Hey @siqichen Is Runway Financial the budgeting tool my team needs? Can it really streamline financial planning and get everyone on the same page?

Your website is absolutely brilliant! I'm building an early stage startup, so we don't have the budget for this product, but I'm excited to give it a try once we raise! If the design of the app is anywhere as beautiful as the lander, I'm sure I'll love it!

Congrats on the launch! Looks like a great product that's very much needed in a world overflowing with outdated Excel models :)

Best launch trailer! After almost a decade in FP&A, being pitched by countless startups for sparkling new FP&A tools, this feels so surreal. This can easily save tens of hours of grunt work per week for the entire Finance department, as much of our time has been spent reconciling different versions -aka finding out who touched the models, which versions, and why.

I just saw the demo video on Twitter, and it made me feel comfortable(not a finance guy) with finance and numbers. Great work team.

A Finance app's design does not need to go this hard 😭 In a world drowning in analytic and data apps, this is a really fresh take. Love that Runway is tackling one of the largest pain points I've experienced, context and connection, to financial data. Congrats on the launch @siqichen!

Your landing page is literally great! Spent like 20 minutes scrolling it 😄 Good luck on your part guys!

Runway for the Win! Runway Financial is a breath of fresh air for finance teams. Automating data entry, drag-and-drop scenario planning, and beautiful reports sound like a game-changer for streamlining financial planning and communication. Say goodbye to spreadsheets and hello to a more efficient future!

Runway Financial seems perfect for startups, but can it cater to established businesses with complex financial structures? Knowing the scalability and customization options would be helpful for companies of all sizes.

Does Runway integrate with popular accounting software or financial tools? Seamless data transfer would save finance teams tons of time and effort when consolidating information.

Can multiple team members access and edit financial models within Runway? Collaboration features for finance departments would be a valuable addition, allowing for centralized planning and real-time update