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Find the best places to work remotely and meet new coworkers

Remote Work

ReWorker is an app to find the best places to work remotely. It also allows you to meet new coworkers to work with and find a community of people working online. Get a free access to the premium tier for the first 150 users with the PRODUCTHUNT code!

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Hi everyone ! 👋 I'm Cassim and I decided to build this app to help me in my nomad journey. And I'm sure that it can also help you if you work remotely. I'm a security researcher and I mainly work remotely. I was previously a web freelance and I switched to the security field. During my journey, I decided to try being a digital nomad. I traveled to many countries since I started, and each time, I faced the same problem. I land somewhere, and the first thing I look for is a place where I will be able to work easily. A nice co-working space, with a good internet connection, good food, and easy to find. It's not that it's hard to find a café, but it's hard to find a Good place. Another thing that I'm looking for is a place where I can meet other people, and to be able to collaborate with them. Or simply find some colleagues for a short period of time. As a remote worker, you can easily feel alone, and miss having people to take breaks. I started to think about how to find this kind of place, and I decided to create this app. It's a simple app that allows you to find a place where you can work remotely. I didn't want to create a complex app, just a simple app to find a great place and meet people around you, all around the world. I know that there are a lot of already existing apps that allow you to find a place to work remotely, but I wanted to create something that is easy to use, and more community-driven. So for the main features, you simply have a dashboard and a map to find the right places near you or where you wanna go. You can also add a new place if you know a good place to work near you. For the community part, my aim is to create a place where people can meet and collaborate with each other. So let's take an example, you are a developer building an app and you want to meet a designer. You can simply look near you if there is a place where another remote worker is a graphic designer to collaborate with you. I prefer to launch this app quickly to see if people are interested in it, and if they are, I can then focus on the community part. I have plenty of ideas to improve this app, and to create a better community. You can also send me feedback about this app, and I will try to improve it. For the launch, you can get a free access to the premium tier for the first 150 users using the code PRODUCTHUNT when subscribing! I hope you will enjoy using this app, and that you will invite your friends to use it too. Cassim

Comment highlights

Thanks for creating ReWorker! I’ve been looking for something like this. How do you verify the quality of the places listed in the app?

This is great innovation, I just hope that people do collaborate and build community in this app.

Wow, ReWorker looks like a game-changer for remote workers! Finding the best places and meeting new coworkers sounds awesome. How do you ensure the quality and reliability of the places recommended on your platform, especially in less urbanized areas?

Nice app, not sure how filled with good spaces it is, yet, specifically in Asia. Next to the best places, would also love to know the places NOT to go, with loud music and bad accoustics, or weird opening times.

First of all, congratulations on your launch and humility. You are not offering the 'best solution', the 'revolutionary' one that is going to 'make the world a better place'. This really pleases me. The idea is great and focusing on the community may be a game-changer for you indeed. My two cents are: 1- Are you planning to develop a mobile version? I see this solution as a mobile-first one, as it is easier for someone traveling through different countries to access it via a mobile phone. 2- I saw your pricing, and I think you should consider changing your pricing differentiation. It is simple, which is great, but for a PLG freemium business model, if you don't provide your key success differentiation, even in a limited way, you are going to fail. So, if community is your differentiator from competitors, then provide it limited for free users (not sure exactly how). This way, people can really feel your value proposition. :) 3- Oh, regarding the pricing still. I see that you are giving some free spots. But why don't you work in a trial mode? People can serve from your product for a period and then they are set as free users. If they want to pay, so just subscribe for a monthly fee.

This app sounds like a lifesaver for digital nomads and remote workers. Can't wait to try it out and share it with my fellow remote-working friends!

Congrats @cassimsh - as someone who is working remote now, I've always wondered why isn't there something like ReWorker! Would be sick if there is a point system for people who contribute and for them to get some awesome rewards. For example, like for, you could submit your salary to see other people's salaries. This would work super well for ReWorker! Would love to help out :)

Looks like cool but, was just wondering what exactly the premium option gives vs the free version?

@cassimsh ReWorker helps remote workers find the best places to work and meet new coworkers. For freelancers and remote teams, how does ReWorker enhance productivity and networking opportunities in different locations?

Great tool! Just created my account, and added a place in Paris! If anyone here is also in Paris !

Hi Cassim, ReWorker sounds like a fantastic tool for digital nomads! It's great that you're focusing on both finding great places and building a community. How has the response been so far from the initial users?

ReWorker is a valuable tool for remote workers seeking ideal workspaces. Exciting opportunity to enhance the remote work experience! Congratulations on the launch.

This is a cool website, but there are many remote working websites. What separates you from the competition? Congrats on the launch btw!

I hope ReWorker will grow ! I just added my favorite place to work at in Paris :)

Good idea! I'm wondering how you build the community and incentivize users to upload new places/register? It seems like the map highly relies on user uploads/upvotes.

Fantastic job guys! This combines two very important aspects of working remotely and see it blowing up! Congrats.

All the nomads here are very grateful to you Cassim! Is there an option to see which places are pet-friendly?