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AI-powered photo renaming & organization

Artificial Intelligence

Revolutionize your photo management with Renamify. Our AI-powered tool renames your files intelligently. Start organising your memories for free, today.

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My friend Thomas and I started building this in our nights and weekends, teaching ourselves how to do Google Auth, Stripe and all manner of things to get the functionality working! We also spent a good amount of time testing, which I hope translates to a very clean experience where you can Rename 100 photos for free without needing to upload any of your data to our system! Please give it a whirl and see if you can break it. We'll be here for any feedback you might have!!

Comment highlights

great job,congrats kinwly explain how it works without uploading one's data and howavout privacy etc? 😊

Congrats on the launch @harry_roper! I have seen the app in action and its pretty powerful!

For the past few years now I've been using my spare time to upload my travel photos to stock image sites and make some extra cash pretty much passively -Highly recommended-. THE MOST painful part is the whole organising and coming up with metadata and tags. Thanks @harry_roper and @thomas_olson_321 , you're about to save me probably a whole full day of work per month! Also, if you haven't already, please spread the word with photographers who do stock photo - they will love you!.

Awesome work guys and just goes to show the power of GPTE! Looking forward to the next launch (shouldn't be long with the GPTE process).

This is a great idea. I have two questions: 1. Does it work for screenshots too? 2. What about large file sizes? Do you keep the original quality of the original photo?

So my mum was showing me her holiday pics the other day and she couldn't find that one picture and I thought "if only there was a way she could easily filter her pics..." and then bam - you made the app. Cheers dude. You get my upvote.

Congratulations @thomas_olson_321 on the launch of Renamify! This AI-powered tool is fantastic for intelligently renaming photo files. It's great for organizing memories effortlessly.

Awesome idea @harry_roper & @thomas_olson_321! Easing the process of renaming files and thereby creating an organized structure is super helpful! Congratulations on your launch!