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RecruiterCloud: Self-Serve

Smarter search, smarter sourcing.


The all-in-one sourcing and outreach tool for speed and efficiency. AI-enhanced search, a massive talent pool, and unique candidate signals you find anywhere else. Get 5 qualified candidate calls with less than 30 minutes of work.

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Hey all! I’m the CEO of Wellfound (formerly AngelList Talent). We’re excited to introduce RecruiterCloud: Self-Serve, our new sourcing and outreach tool designed to streamline talent acquisition. We'd love for you all to try it, so we're making it free during beta. To celebrate, we’re offering a 2-week free trial of RecruiterCloud: Autopilot, an add-on that automates your sourcing process. Comment below, and I’ll reach out to get you started.

Comment highlights

Congratulations on the RecruiterCloud launch! As a user of Wellfound platform, and early user of the RecruiterCloud, I'm more than just happy to see it in live. As soon as we have an open position, and shortly we will, I'll start using it - please make our hiring work as just a snap of my finger!

Great job on launching RecruiterCloud! Have you considered integrating with any ATS systems for even more efficiency?

Been using this for the past week and its wonderful! Ive actually learned a lot about my own worth and this amazing tool has allowed me to optimize how I market myself. I see great success for Wellfound. My resume looks better and my cover letter is amazing, thanks to this tool. I actually found out that I'm severely underpaid, especially in Toronto haha! Thank you for creating this. Great work, Wellfound team! 🥰

Congrats on the launch! The ability to tweak preferences, instantly see the candidate pool size, and see sample profiles based on those preferences has proved very valuable!

Have always had good experiences with WellFound so am excited to give this a try. Thanks @amitm and keep up the good work!

Great seeing this come together. Congrats Amit and Wellfound team on bringing this to life! We have been using the product and finding candidates is now a lot easier.

Have always been a big fan of the AngelList Talent & Wellfound products over the years! Excited to see this thing in action!

We've been users of this product for the last few months and it's been really valuable!

Looks great, I hope this will help improve the interview process as well. Too many startups have very long, overly complex and redundant processes, resulting in very poor hiring experience for both parties.

Why stop there? Can you please create AI humans that I can hire directly? ;) But seriously, congrats on the launch!