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Share Restaurant Recommendations With Friends

Food & Drink

Discover and share restaurant recommendations with friends and family.

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my father loves discovering new restaurants. I’m definitely going to share this app with them it looks perfect for keeping track of all the places we want to try out!

Comment highlights

Congrats to the Recce team on the launch! This sounds like a great way to easily share and discover restaurant recommendations. Does Recce offer any features for organizing recommendations by cuisine or location?

Thanks for sharing this! It's an exciting concept, and I can’t wait to see how it evolves.

Selecting a perfect restaurant with our friends was never successful, but this actually helped us find a good restaurant

Love the idea, especially when recce can turn into personal log too. I was wondering if you can search restaurants by your notes, not just by names? I saved so many restaurants on Google map, with notes, but impossible to search.

This product looks super useful! Haven't dug too deep yet, but from what I see, it's exactly what I need for trying out new cuisines. Congrats on the launch!

Just downloaded the app. I’ve used it this weekend to help me find a lovely Sunday lunch spot. Would highly recommend!

Sharing trusted restaurant picks sounds amazing! Plus, the vibrant location section is super helpful for first-time travelers looking for great local cuisines.

I love the focus on sharing with friends and family. Love this concept and it has so much potential to grow. It’s a fantastic start and very user friendly. Great work.

recce has the potential to become an invaluable resource for food lovers looking to explore new restaurants and share their favorite finds, making dining out more enjoyable and collaborative. Congratulations on the launch!

Awesome! i'm so exciting for this apps. Congrats on the launch recce! good luck💫

Congrats on the launch! As I always say, 'Eat first'—it reminds me to savor every experience. Best of luck. :)

The idea behind this app is fantastic but I feel like there’s room for improvement in the discovery aspect. It would be great if there were more options to explore new restaurants beyond my social circle, perhaps by incorporating top rated places nearby or hidden local favorites. Still a solid start and looking forward to updates.

It’s a really useful app that I regularly use to find the best spots in London to eat and drink. It’s my go to!

I’ve been waiting for something like this. Too often I find myself lost in endless reviews from people I don’t know so this personal recommendation based approach is a breath of fresh air. The ease of sharing and the focus on trusted circles really sets this apart. Looking forward to using this with my family and friends.

Love this concept and it has so much potential to grow. What about adding a food mood feature? Users could select a mood like quick bite celebration or date night and the app could suggest relevant places based on previous recommendations. It would make choosing a restaurant even more intuitive.

This has a lot of potential. One suggestion I have is adding a rating system that’s unique to your app maybe allowing users to rate recommendations by how well they match personal tastes rather than just generic ratings. It could make the recommendations more tailored and useful.

@tom_lindsay2 This is a fantastic idea! Having a platform to easily share and discover restaurant recommendations from people you trust sounds incredibly useful. I love how personal this makes the dining experience, turning it into a social activity even before you get to the restaurant. How does the app handle differing tastes and preferences among friends and family? Looking forward to trying it out!