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Rakun Card - Special Needs Travel

A card to show your special needs like ADHD or allergies

Food & Drink

Rakun Card gives you peace of mind when traveling. Whether you have ADHD, Autism, food intolerances, allergies, phobias, or other conditions and disabilities, Rakun Card helps you manage and communicate this crucial information in a simple and effective way.

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Hello makers & creators, thank you for giving Rakun Card a try. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD & Autism, and I'm spending most of my time figuring out how to help more people like me. A big struggle for me was always getting through airport security. It's unfamiliar, it's always chaotic, people can be impatient, or even rude. I might be too anxious to talk to them, I might be exhausted after a long flight. I might not speak their language. Rakun Card allows people like me to share their 'special needs' in a simple app. With Rakun Card I found a way to share my 'special needs' with others in an easy way.But it's not just ADHD, or Autism. Rakun Card helps you share your unique preferences including hidden disabilities, food allergies, and more. Our goal is to make the world more inclusive starting with travel. Because everybody deserves to travel with ease.

Comment highlights

This is now the 4th app that would have totally helped me a lot in life and it is only available for iOS (which is complete garbage of an OS to begin with)? I am starting to lose faith in ProductHunt.

Congratulations on launching the Rakun Card! @peterbuch This is a thoughtful and necessary tool for travelers with various conditions. It sounds like a lifesaver for many travelers! Does it support multiple languages for international travel? This feature would be handy for communicating health information in different countries.

This sounds like a great tool for families traveling with children who have special needs..

Looking forward to seeing testimonials from users who have used the card and hearing about their experiences with it.

The peace of mind that comes with knowing essential information is readily available in emergencies is priceless. This card could provide just that.

I wonder if there are additional resources or tips provided along with the card to help travelers navigate specific challenges they may encounter.

Great story behind it, great problem you are solving, great team working on it! All the best & keep it up!

It's great to see technology being used to enhance accessibility and inclusivity in travel. This tool has the potential to make a big difference.

Congrats for the launch. That’s a great product idea. I have traveled with neurodiverse people before and it’s pretty difficult to judge what is an ok situation and what is not. I hope this makes the interactions easier, such that travel can be more enjoyable for everyone.

This tool could empower individuals to advocate for themselves confidently in situations where verbal communication might be challenging.

As someone who enjoys exploring different cuisines, having a card to explain specific food intolerances would make dining out much less stressful.

For solo travelers, this could provide an added layer of security and peace of mind, knowing their needs are clearly communicated.

Love the idea of having a compact, easy-to-carry card that communicates vital information discreetly and efficiently.

I'm curious about the customization options available. Being able to personalize the information on the card would make it more effective for different situations.

This could be a game-changer for individuals with invisible disabilities. It helps others understand their needs without the need for lengthy explanations.