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Improve productivity for dev teams using Github and Slack

Developer Tools

PullNotifier's simple app allows teams to view pull request statuses on Slack without getting spammed with notifications. Our #1 goal is to simplify PR notifications and increase code review visibility to keep your devs productive and happy :)

Top comment

Hey Product Hunt! 👋 I’m thrilled to introduce you to PullNotifier! Picture this: You're in the zone, typing away on your latest project, and you finally submit that pull request (PR) for review. But then... nothing. Your PR sits there, lonely and unnoticed, while your team is buried in their own code. It's an odd feeling, right? We've all been there. Well, PullNotifier is here to change that! 🚀 PullNotifier is a Slack app that aims to simplify PR notifications and increase code review visibility to keep your devs productive and happy :) Here’s what makes PullNotifier awesome: 👉 GitHub PR notifications straight to Slack: Get the latest updates without the noise. 👉 Customizable channel mapping: Direct specific repo notifications to the right Slack channels, perfect for large teams. 👉 Real-time pull request comments synced on a Slack thread. 👉 Comprehensive PR details: See everything from updated titles to draft statuses right in Slack! If your team uses Slack + Github = there's no reason not to use PullNotifier 😎 P.S. Your team will thank you later! 💙

Comment highlights

The simple and effective solution for managing pull request notifications is exactly what we needed. Great work on the launch!

Does it provide any analytics or reporting features to track code review progress?

This looks very promising. How does PullNotifier handle large volumes of pull requests in busy repositories?

Consider adding more customization options for notification settings to enhance user experience.

Simplifying PR notifications and improving code review visibility on Slack is very useful for development teams.

Congratulations on the launch of PullNotifier! Wishing you all the best with this new tool.

Any plans to support other version control systems like GitLab or Bitbucket in the future?

Integrating PullNotifier with GitHub and Slack will make collaboration much smoother for teams.

It seems to simplify the process of co-development, it looks good, and I have a question is this done through AI models?

Congrats on the fantastic launch Gab. Can't wait to see what else you come up with in the future for this product!

Congratulations on the launch, Gabriel! 🚀 Looking forward to seeing how it boosts productivity!