Hello, Makers and Hunters! 👋
It's Jaha from the Preline UI team. After a year of hard work and invaluable feedback from our users, we've shaped something truly special. We're thrilled to announce the launch of Preline UI v2.0! 🚀
This update introduces TypeScript support, bringing over 100 components, new advanced plugins, and more to enhance the development experience and build beautiful projects.
Explore the new features at https://preline.co and let us know what you think. Any feedback and suggestions are more than welcome!
This is just insane for a tailwind wrapper, but i just have 1 question how much overhead i have to bear if i use this?
Preline UI: Tailwind CSS-based, prebuilt components and examples for simplified, modern UI development. Congrats on launch.
This sounds like a fantastic resource for developers! I'm curious to know if there are any plans to expand the functionality or add more components to Preline UI in the future? Great work!
Congratulations @jahaganiev on the new 2.0 update!
I've used Flowbite before which I think is similar to Preline, so I would like to know what the key differences are between the two - or at least - what makes Preline a more preferable option.
I'd definitely be interested in using Preline for a future project so this answer would mean a lot to me and perhaps others thinking of using Preline over Flowbite - thanks!
This looks like a great resource for developers working with Tailwind CSS! I'm curious to know if Preline UI v2.0 includes any new components or features compared to its previous version. Also, are there any plans to integrate with other popular front-end frameworks like Bootstrap or Material-UI? Keep up the good work!
Congratulations, @jahaganievon the release of Preline UI v2.0! The addition of TypeScript support is fantastic, and the open-source nature allows us to incorporate it into our internal projects as well. Great work!