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PlantIdentify - Plant Detector

Free plant identifier app


🌿 FREE Plant Identifier App 🌿 📷Use your camera or a picture to quickly identify plants with AI🌿 Features: • Instant Plant Identification • Free to Use • Multi-Language Support • Save Identification History

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Hey everyone! 🌱 We’re thrilled to share our new Plant Identifier App with you all. It’s completely free and super easy to use. Whether you’re a gardening pro or just someone who loves nature, this app is perfect for identifying plants on the go. Give it a try and let us know what you think! We’re excited to hear your feedback and see what amazing plants you discover. 🌿📸 Happy exploring! 🌟

Comment highlights

I just gave the Plant Identifier App a try, and I really like it! incredibly precise and simple to use. I used it to identify every plant in my garden when I took it for a spin. What's even better is that it's free. Really love the interface and how the product works.. 

Lovely idea, sent this to my mum as she's always trying to figure out what local plants are! Any plans to monetise or add paid features?

Great work on PlantIdentify! Can it identify plants from different regions globally?

Pretty accurate. I tried quite a few varieties and it picked right plant family.

Congratulations on your launch ! Just downloaded your app and made a couple of tests it works great ! Wondering what your business model is.

sounds like a fun passion project. i’m curious about the revenue streams of this app. m you doing this as a main gig or is this a side project? congrats on becoming Product of the Day #2 though