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Your personal AI biographer

Artificial Intelligence

Share your stories and watch them turn into a personal history with Otto. Just talk about your memories, milestones, or daily adventures. Heck, even tell the story of building your startup. Try it out with beautiful free chapter.

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Hey Makers and Hunters 👋 I’ve been building Otto for the past few weeks as a way to record personal stories and histories. In part, I’d been thinking about how I’d have loved to learn more about my grandmother before she passed. In part, I’ve been feeling the need to share some of the lessons and learnings from my own life. To do that, I’d need to hire a writer, pay thousands of dollars, or run my own interviews, make notes, write things down and organize them into a book. 🫠 So I made something that’s super easy to use - like having a coffee chat with a friend who asks really good questions. Just use your voice and talk. Otto makes transcripts and creates a chapter after each session. In 30 days, you’ll have a finished biography. You can try out a free chapter now. I hope you have as much fun using it as I did building it. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Comment highlights

you wanna get money too fast. just 1 chapter for free. the idea is good but don’t do your startup just for money. also recheck on mobile version of your website. there’s broken places. (last iphone)

What is the most creative use case you’ve seen @ashitaa ? Congratulations on the launch. ps I’m more on my mobile for these sort of things, but going to try out the desktop offering now. Keep it up

this is super interesting. will def want to give this a proper try, will definitely require some commitment, but seems totally worth it

Thanks for sharing.Otto sounds like a great idea to capture little moments that would give our friends and loved ones context about our personality, hopes, and fears.

I'm curious to know, what inspired the name Otto? Does it hold a special meaning to you?

I always think about start writing, not specifically autobiography, I see Otto a good starting point to practice and inspire myself to write! Good luck with the launch!

Wow guys! Congrats! How does Otto generate transcripts and organize chapters from recorded sessions?

Wow! I loved the concept! I hope it has the safest place to put the stories. Congratulations with the launch! We are about to launch soon, you guys can freely visit my platform for you to get the updates during the launch

@ashitaa That doesn't sound bad and reminds me of another player in the biography game who also works with voice-only. How do you assess the problem that very few people can tell stories in full sentences and use a lot of filler words? As the founder of Meminto Stories, I have been dealing with this problem for a long time. We developed a telephone assistant that simply calls old people without smartphones and asks them a question about their lives. It turned out that many people couldn't do that, which I found amazing. I hope your approach works. Maybe we can exchange ideas sometime! Best regards!

Love the concept of Otto! How does it differentiate itself from other personal history tools? And is there a plan for future updates or features?

Congratulations on the launch of Otto! @ashitaa This is a remarkable platform for capturing and preserving personal memories and stories. Sharing and watching your experiences transform into a personal history is genuinely innovative.

In a world of AI wrappers doing all the obvious things, Otto is such an interesting fun deviation. Have you thought about having it interview other people (grandparents, etc). I also think the name is so perfect (although maybe not for interviewing other people). Good luck with the launch!